"I am the door" - Sunday July 24th

What would 'the good life' - an abundant life - look like to you? Jesus says it's to know you belong, and to have the deepest desires of your heart met. He also says he's the gateway to that life. How come?

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"I am the Door"

John 10:1-10

We’re looking at the “I am” statements of Jesus. What Jesus claims for himself would be delusional – unless it is true. Jesus appears to use a mixed metaphor in this passage. He says he is both the door to the sheepfold and the shepherd. We might think, ‘a door cannot be a shepherd.’ But Jesus can be both at the same time. And when Jesus talks of sheep and shepherds Jesus is using a picture that will resonate deeply with them: in the Old Testament God’s people are the sheep, and God is their shepherd.

Doorway to Life

A door, or a gate, lets you through a wall or barrier, to something else on the other side. What lies on the other side of Jesus that he claims to give access to? He says it is salvation. That outside him is the state of being unsaved and alienated from God, but on the inside is salvation and being reconciled to God. And Jesus describes entering God’s sheepfold as ‘abundant life.’ And it is abundant life that we are all looking for.

True Belonging

The ‘fear of missing out’ is the anxiety that others might be having a better time than you – and you’re left out. At the root of that fear is the need to belong. Deep down we have all been wired to belong. But if you satisfy that need in wrong ways – or not at all – it will eat you up.

Jesus says that it’s through him that you can enter into real belonging, to enter the sheepfold of God’s people, and know that you are loved and belong to your heavenly Father.

We try and get access to that by being the right kind of person. Jesus says it’s only through him that you can enjoy this abundant life of belonging to God that we all seek.

Real Pasture

Sheep feed on grass because they’re hungry. We are all hungry – spiritually hungry. Everyone has a hungry heart. But how do we satisfy that hunger? Each culture tells you that this is what you need to satisfy that hunger. Advertising tells you this is what you need to satisfy it. Politicians say ‘vote for me’ and we can create the world you’re hungry for. But ultimately these things let us down.

So to everyone with a hungry heart, Jesus says, it’s through me that you can go in and out and find real pasture. That it’s in and through me that you can find the abundance of life that you’re looking for.

And Jesus says he is the door. Not a door. People may not like that exclusivity, but that is what Jesus says. The reasons is that it’s only in him that we can be counted righteous and belong to God’s people. It’s only by his work on the cross that we can be reconciled to God. And then we can enter into God’s presence, and belong, and enjoy his abundant blessing.