Posts by Martin Slack

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Romantic Comparisons and the Gospel of Christ

One of the joys of being a pastor (and Su would say, of being a pastor's wife!) is that we get to spend time with nearly every young couple in our church who are getting married. Typically, we spend seven evening sessions with them, helping prepare them for the joys (and struggles) that are bound to come their way. And one piece of advice we give - and like everything else...

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Mount Comparison

The contest on Carmel, in 1 Kings 18, between the prophet Elijah and the prophets of Baal is an epic, even by Biblical standards. At its heart is a call to the people of Israel to compare. To compare between YHWH and Baal, and stop 'limping' between the two: "If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, then follow him" (v21). As I've previously written, it was not...

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A Giant of Comparisons

The story of David slaying Goliath is filled with comparisons. David hears the taunts of Goliath hurled at the men of Israel, and responds, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?" (1 Sam 17:26). What is David doing? On the face of it, he is comparing Goliath to Israel's army - one man compared to so many, surely this is no...

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Beastly Comparison

'Comparison is the thief of all joy'. But not all comparison. As we've seen in the last three posts, comparing God to ourselves and to others, to angels and to idols, inspires worship and trust. But two can play at that game and in John's Revelation they do. A beast rises out of the sea - the place of chaos and confusion - and to it the dragon gives 'his power and his thr...

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'To Whom Will You Compare Me?'

At the heart of Christianity lies a problem how do you describe the Trinity? Of what can you say, 'O, the Trinity is like this'? An egg? A three-leafed clover? Water in its solid, liquid and gas phases? All fall woefully short. There simply is nothing else like the Triune God. And yet, we're invited to compare Him to others, but not so we can find an adequate comparison, ...

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Comparing Your Way to Humility

In the last post, Incomparable God, we considered how comparing ourselves to God can become a means to praise and proclamation. But that is not the end of the fruit that can come from right comparison. Consider Job. A righteous man who suffered terribly, Job deserved answers if any man did. But did he get them? No. In fact, what he got was more questions - questions direc...

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The Incomparable God

Theodore Roosevelt reportedly described comparison as 'the thief of all joy'. He certainly has a point. If you constantly compare yourself to others it will rob you of the joy you might otherwise have experienced in what you have and the joy in what they have. And a joyless life, pickpocketed by comparing, is a barren life. Having said that, I'd like to start further back...

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Tears in the Desert

In Psalm 126, the psalmist asks of God, 'Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like streams in the Negeb!' It is a powerful image: rivers of water running into the desert, turning a wilderness into a garden. And returning from exile, the psalmist is asking God to do just that in his life and the life of the people. But then he takes the metaphor further, to sowing and reaping an...

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Advent - Second Time Around

Advent is a time when the church looks back to the first coming of Christ, and prepares herself for the feast - the celebration - of Christ's birth at Christmas. But it's also a time to look forward to the second coming, the second advent of Christ, and his return. Those two comings are polar opposites: the first in humility, the second in glory. The first unnoticed, the ...

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Idols and Limping Between the Two

When Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal, he didn't just address the prophets but the people: "How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal then follow him" (1 Kings 18:21). That's instructive, because it tells us that the people of Israel had not stopped worshipping the LORD; they hadn't abandoned him for Baa...

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Peter's Sword

The contrast between Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane and Peter in the courtyard of the high priest is a stark one. At Jesus' arrest Peter is full of bravado. He has already pledged that he will never abandon Jesus, even if it costs him his life, and he's made that promise in public. When the arrest party comes, Peter is quick to take up arms and use them. But then, it's...

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Sloth and the Middle Period

Martin Lloyd Jones, the great British preacher, said that 'the middle period' is the time when we may be most prone to Sloth. The question then - if we want to be on guard against Sloth - is 'what's the middle period?' Whenever we start something new - a new job or relationship or educational program, or church, we experience a honeymoon period. We're excited by this n...

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Sloth and the Workaholic

I suspect your view of sloth is only partially correct. We tend to think of sloth as the attitude of the couch potato - the man lying on the sofa with beer in one hand and the TV remote in the other. That is one side of sloth. But there is another. The man who is in his office by 6:30 every morning, and who works away until late evening may also be a sloth. Why? Because, ...

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Living in Light of the Things that Last

This Sunday - Jan 31st - we will be looking at a passage from 1 Corinthians that, at first glance, can seem confusing. Does the Bible really teach that those who are married should live as if they weren't? Or that we should be emotionally numb? The answer, of course, is 'no'. But what the passage we will be looking at does teach us is that, married or not, we should live w...

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A Radically Different Community - Sunday October 18th

In the 1st Century Christianity was unique among religions that appealed across ethnic boundaries - the only that imposed behavoural demands on its members. Why, in a world where sex was freely available, did a religion that confined sex to marriage explode and overturn the culture? Why embrace such a sexual ethic? This Sunday we will continue our series in 1 Corinthians ...

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The Problem of Comparing - Sunday Oct 4th 2020

How much do you compare yourself to others? How much does what others think or you, or how you compare to them, affect the way you feel about yourself? What is it you're looking for when you compare? This Sunday we will once again look at Paul's letter to the Corinthians. We'll see what's going on under their habit of comparing, and how to be free of it. Join us for our ...

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God's Alternative in a Divided World

Our western societies are increasingly divided. In some cases, they are tearing themselves apart. In such a world, God calls his people to be an alternative community. But what if they are equally divided? And what lies behind such divisions? This Sunday we will be looking at 1 Corinthians 3 - and God's alternative in a pagan, and divided, world. Join us at the 9:45 (if ...

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One Corinthians, Two Services

Join us this Sunday for one of our morning services: 9.45am - if you have children in Sunday School or Youth 11.15am - for everyone else. We are currently studying 1 Corinthians in both services. It's a letter written to Christians learning to live in a culture opposed to the central message of Christianity. Unsurprisingly, it has much to teach us as we seek to navigate...

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Sunday June 7th - Services are Restarting

We are delighted to say that our Sunday services are restarting from Sunday June 7th. We may not be in our usual venue, and the service may look slightly different from normal, and there will be restrictions imposed by coronavirus... but, our God remains the same! He never changes. His word remains as comforting and powerful as ever. And his people are going to gather and ...

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Sunday March 29th - How you See yourself... and Others

On this week's Sunday Service video we'll be looking at the end of Galatians, and how Paul tells us that the way we see and treat others is tied up with how we see ourselves. So... how do you see yourself? ...

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Sunday March 22nd - Walking in the Spirit

On this week's Sunday Service video we'll be looking at the the fruit of the Spirit.... some of which are joy, patience and self-control. And when you're confined to your home, those are things all of us need more of!...

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Sunday 15th March - When you find yourself in an epidemic

During this time when we cannot meet as a whole church family we will be producing a video to keep us connected. Here is the link for this week's: You can either watch the whole thing, or pick and choose. I hope there is something for all of us. Here's the breakdown of timings, so you can find what you want: 00.00 - 03.02: Introduction and Ex...

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Sunday Services Cancelled

Due to the evolving situation with coronavirus we have cancelled our Sunday Services until further notice. We will be following both cantonal and federal guidance as to when services can restart....

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Change of Venue this Sunday

This Sunday, 8th March, we are not in our usual venue. Instead please join us at: Morning Service: 10.30am - Novotel Bussigny,Route de Condmine 35, Lausanne, 1030 Evening Service: 6.30pm - Temple d'Ecublens, Place du Motty, Ecublens....

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From Slave to Son - Sunday February 16th

How does your view of 'how to do life' affect how you see yourself or others? If you think life is about meeting some standard - whether that's a traditional moral standard, or a modern 'we need to be tolerant and inclusive' standard - how does that influence your sense of identity and self-worth? Or how you deal with failure, or guilt? Or how you view others - especailly ...

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Suffering - Sunday February 2nd

While, at times, it may seem that yours is the only life going belly-up, suffering is an (almost) universal reality. How can you face it? If you have a religious world-view and think you have to earn God's favour, what does that say about you if, instead of favour, you expereince suffering? Or, if you hold a secular world-view and think this life is all there is, you'll wa...

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Walking the Way of Grace - Sunday January 26th

A gravestone may try and sum up a person's life in one sentence. A eulogy in 10 minutes. When the time comes, what might be said about your life? And what to make of the intuition that one day you'll have to give an accounting for your life? How can you pass that final examination? The apostle paul's letter to the Galatians deals with just such issues, and we'll be lookin...

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What the Gospel Isn't - Sunday January 19th

If you're judged by your performance, your performance can become a slave driver, driving you on. The apostle Paul says the same is true of religion... and he was a very religious man - at least until he became a Christian. So what was it that set him free? Join us at ourMorning Service: 10.30am or at ourEvening Service: 6.30pm, both at the Foyer Paroissial, St Sulpice....

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One Gospel - Sunday January 12th

Which of the many voices you hear about how you should live your life, or pursue spirituality, or achieve the life that you want, should you listen to? How do you decide? If you want to know that you're ok with God, or you want to live life on a different plane and connect with the spiritual, how can you do that? And how, when there are so many choice out there, can you k...

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Ambition - Sunday January 5th

As you begin 2020, what are your ambitions for the year, the decade, ahead. Why do you want the things you want? What are you really dreaming of when you dream your dreams? What are you really aspiring for when you aspire to achieve some goal? Join us this Sunday as we consider how the gospel of Christ both up-ends and redeems our ambitions. Morning Service: 10:30am - No...

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No Evening Service November 17th

Because of the Student and YA Retreat, there will be no evening service on Sunday 17th November. Instead, please join us as one church family at the morning service at 10.30am....

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The Cost of Doing the Right Thing

587BC was a time of national crisis for the Jewish people generally and the inhabitants of Jerusalem in particular. But as is often the case, a time of national crisis becomes a moment of individual personal crisis. So it was in Jerusalem for three men - a prophet, a king and a eunuch. All three faced the same fears. Two chose to do the right thing. The third failed. Why? ...

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Rejecting and Embracing the Word of God - Sunday Nov 3rd

One approach to the Bible, or its teaching, is that you pick and choose the bits you like, and discard the bits you don't. If that's your approach - deliberately or subconsciously - you're not the first. In fact, it started with the first recorded writing of part of the Bible - the book of Jeremiah. The question is, what is it about the authority of the Bible in our lives...

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The Mission

In a fractured world, the words of the prophet Isaiah, from thousands of years ago, speaking of a Servant who will bring justice, freedom and healing are startlingly relevant. Who is that Servant, how does he accomplish his mission and how can we be part of it? Join us this Sunday for our Missions Sunday - Morning Service, 10:30am, Evening Service 6:30pm....

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Prison and Prayer

When our issues or problems preoccupy us, God can seem distant, if present at all. Why is that? What is it about the way we respond to difficulties that can leave us feeling alone, or embittered, or both? How can we go through hard times and experience God in deep ways? This Sunday we're going to see how the prophet Jeremiah was invited by God to encounter him in ways tha...

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The Gospel and Physical Beauty

It's not hard to see that our culture has a problem with external appearance - we over-value it and put far too much weight on it. This doesn't liberate people, it crushes them. So why don't we just be less superficial? What is it about external appearance that exercises such a power of us? This Sunday we're going to see the dark side of external beauty, the mask of exter...

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Home Coming - Sunday September 29th

What does it mean to 'come home'? Where, or in what situation, do you think, this is what I was made for? And what happens if, after a while, that place, or that thing, loses its shine? Does that mean there isn't somewhere that's 'home', or you just haven't found it? This Sunday we will look at how the prophet Jeremiah foretold that the Jewish exiles would return home, bu...

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Serving the City - Sunday 22nd September

Imagine living in a city that was opposed to everything you held dear, where the authorities wanted you to conform to their way of thinking and seeing the world, and where you were, in every sense, a foreigner. What would your attitude to the people of that city be? That was the situation that the Jewish exiles living in Babylon in Jeremiah's day faced. This Sunday we wil...

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Turning the World Upside Down

There was a time when the Christian message was revolutionary - when, becuase it challenged the gods of the day, it incited riots. When we consider what it teaches, it has lost none of its revolutionary power - not least in its critique of religion. Join us this Sunday as we begin a new series: Upside Down World. Our Morning Service is at 10:30am, our Evening Service at ...

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Going Through the Motions

People say, if God would only reveal himself to me, I'd go to church, I'd follow him. But would they? Would it really change them? It's possible, maybe even common, for people to go through the religious motions. That is, they go to church but it makes zero real difference in their lives - it doesn't change the kind of person they are. Why? And what if that was just as tru...

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Evening Service Restarts This Sunday!

This Sunday the evening service restarts after our summer break. Please join us - 6:30pm, Foyer Paroissial, St Sulpice....

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Desertion. Betrayal. Faithful Friend - Sunday August 25th

Why do betrayers betray? Why do deserters desert? When you see the toxic fallout of unfaithfulness or desertion, you don't want to go there. But how can you stop yourself? What's behind betrayal? And what's the secret to loyalty - but not just loyalty from duty, but loyalty with joy? This Sunday we're going to look at a man in the Bible called Demas - and his story has m...

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Venue Change Sunday August 18th

This Sunday August 18th we will not be meeting in our usual venue. Please join us instead at 10:30am at the Novotel Hotel, Route de Condemine 35, Bussigny 1030....

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Mark and Recovering From Failure - Sunday July 14th

Personal failures are all too common. Failures of courage; moral failures; spiritual failures. The Bible is littered with them... and so, in all likelihood, is our personal experience. Yet the good news of Jesus doesn't leave us flat on our faces, it lifts us up. it restores and rebuilds broken lives. And the story of a young man named John Mark is a case in point. A young...

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Not A Team of Rivals - Sunday July 7th

This Sunday we begin our Summer Series - 'Not a Team of Rivals' - looking at the men and women Paul gathered around him to fulfill the mission, beginning with Barnabas and the gift of Encouragement. Join us at 10.30am for our Morning Service Please note, during July and August there will be no evening service....

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The Problem of (false) Prophets

There is no end to the people with an opinion on how you should live your life, or what really matters in life. The question is, whose opinions should you listen to? Things don't change, at least not much. In the days of Jeremiah the prophet there were plenty of voices on the religious landscape telling people the way to personal fulfillment. And Jeremiah has some great a...

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Being a King and the Problem of Justice

It would hardly be controversial to say that any civil society should seek to care for the poor and needy. Yet it seems so hard to achieve. Why is that? Jeremiah's interactions with a king some 2500 years ago give us a good idea why. Join us for our Morning Service, 10.30am, or our Evening Service at 6.30pm. Both will be at the Foyer Paroissial, St Sulpice....

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The Power of Shame - Sunday June 9th

It is not just in traditional honour and shame cultures that shame is a powerful weapon. It is in our own culture. Maybe increasingly so. But shame is not reserved for those times when you step out of line. You can know shame for what you have done or what others have done to you. If that's the case, what power is greater than shame? What can erase your shame, and free yo...

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A Lesson in a Potter's Shop - Sunday May 18th

The Bible uses a number of different images as it helps us understand what God is like; images like a shepherd, a rock, a fortress. Each one helps us see something of God's character that helps us trust him. This Sunday we will consider another image - that of God as the potter - and our lives as clay in his hands. He moulds our lives, and all of history like a potter mou...

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The Good Life You're Looking For - Sunday May 12th

When someone describes themself as 'a person of faith' it implies that other people aren't 'people of faith.' The prophet Jeremiah says, 'that's wrong - we're all people of faith - it just depends what you're putting your faith in.' And he goes on to say that what you put your faith in has a profound influence on the kind of life you end up living. Will it be one of fruitf...

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Spiritual Depression

Charles Spurgeon, the great Victorian preacher, once wrote, 'Fits of depression come over the most of us. Usually cheerful as we may be, we must at intervals be cast down. The strong are not always vigorous, the wise not always ready, the brave not always courageous, and the joyous not always happy. There maybe here and there men of iron, to whom wear and tear work no perc...

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Broken Covenant, Suffering God - Sunday April 14th

What difference would it make to your life if you knew you were loved unconditionally? If you knew you were accepted not becuase of your performance or your image, but simpy because you are loved? Or, if you face criticism and attacks, what can give you the courage to keep going? This Sunday we'll be looking once more at the prophet Jeremiah and he gives us some surprisi...

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Venue Change Sunday April 7th

This Sunday (April 7th) we will not be in our usual venue. For one week only... The Morning Service (10:30am) will meet at the Temple de la Croix d'Ouchy. The Evening Service (6:30pm) will meet at the Temple d'Ecublens. You can find maps and directions here....

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A Safe Space - Sunday 24th March

Have you ever put your trust in something that failed you? Have you sat on a chair that collapsed? Fallen into the arms of a friend, who dropped you? What if your personal safety depended on something that let you down? This Sunday we will see the prophet Jeremiah warn the people of Jerusalem that they are trusting in the wrong thing. And when they do, it's not just them...

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One Good Man - Sunday March 17th

Imagine a perfect world. What would that look like? What is it about the human heart that consistently undermines our attempts at creating that better world? The Bible talks of shalom - an all encompassing well-being in society. But how do you acheive that? In our Sunday services, we're looking at the prophet Jeremiah. The society of his day was broken. Yet Jeremiah pres...

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Coming Home... and Change of Venue! Sunday March 3rd

The prophet Jeremiah warned that ancient Judah would be destroyed because of her worship of idols. And she was. You might think that has nothing to do with us in the 21st Century - and yet we constantly look to things other than God to give us 'the good life', and those things we look to have this tendancy to consume us. The question then is, how can we be free of these t...

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Faithfulness in an Unravelling World - Sunday February 17th

When everything is in turmoil, how do you plant your feet? When your world seems to be unravelling, how do you navigate your way through life? This Sunday we begin our new series on the prophet Jeremiah. Over 40 years he experienced huge trauma and upheaval. Yet he managed to stay in the race through it all. How did he do it? Join us at our Morning Service, 10:30am, or o...

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Attitudes you want to cultivate - Sunday February 3rd

What do you find more attractive in someone else - generosity or tight-fistedness? Humility or pride? Joy or complaining? But if these are atttiudes we find attractive, why do we struggle to cultivate them in our lives? What could give us the power to do that, and do it in a way that didn't make us proud in the process? This Sunday we will be finishing our series in the ...

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The things you delight in - Sunday January 27th

What is it that, if you have it, you feel great about life, but if you don't have it, you feel down or anxious? What is it that, when you have it, you're on a high, but if you don't, it's like you've crashed? And how does having that thing, or wanting that thing, cloud your judgment? This Sunday we'll look at an event in David's life that tells us what that was from him,...

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When life goes wrong - what do you do? - Sunday 20th January

Who do you respond when life goes wrong? If you're ambitious and you're blocked - what's behind the frustration you feel? Or if someone offends you, what's underlying your hurt? How can you respond with grace and poise when the rug is pulled from under your feet? In the life of David, and that of his son Absalom, we see the human heart laid bear... not least in times of ...

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Sex and Power - Sunday January 13th

Money, sex and power. Find a leader who has falled and one (or more) of those is likely to be lurking large in the background. Why? What is it about them that prepares the ground for a downfall? This Sunday we'll be returning to the life of David, and seeing how sex and power seemed to offer so much, and yet how, ultimately, the brought about the downfall of, not just on...

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In 2019, I will devote myself to....

New Year's resolutions are arguably the opposite of devotion. We say we're going to change our lives in someway, that we're going to take ourselves in hand and do this thing, and it lasts for... how long? Devotion, on the other hand, implies a consistent, unfaltering, attention to the thing we are devoted to. This Sunday we will look at something of which it was said tha...

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The Resumé of Christ - Sunday 16th December

This Sunday, please join us in our Morning Service at 10:30am as we consider who it is who was born at Christmas. In place of our normal Evening Service we will be hosting the Fenetre de l'Avent for the commune of St Sulpice. Please join us at 6:30pm for mulled wine, finger foods and some carol singing!...

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A Messenger with a Message

In the account of Jesus' birth given in the Gospel of Luke there are two messengers. The first issues a decree from Caesar, the second an announcement from God. The first message is bad news, the second contains wonderfully good news. The first implied threat, the second brought joy. Their difference is what makes Christmas so lastingly relevent for our own lives - whateve...

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Advent Begins - Sunday December 2nd

This Sunday we begin our Advent celebrations as we prepare for Christmas. In place of our morning service, there will be a Toddler Service, for those with children aged 0-4yrs, beginning at 10am, at the Foyer Paroissial, St Sulpice. In place of our evening service, there will be our traditional Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, open to all, beginning at 6pm, at the F...

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The Downward Spiral and the Way Back Up - 11th November

When someone experiences a catastrophic moral failure it rarely, if ever, comes out of the blue. There were multiple small decisions made along the way. Multiple small steps down the spiral. David expereinced just such a catastrophic failure. His descent into sin, and the way back up to hope has much to teach us. Join us at our Morning Service, 10:30am or our Evening Serv...

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When a door is shut in your face - Sunday November 4th

How do you respond when a plan is thwarted, an opportunity closed down, or a door is shut in your face? When such things happen it can reveal something of what was motivating us. We think that our best is always going to be found in our plans coming together, and us getting to do what we want to do. What if the truth is different to that? Join us this Sunday as we contin...

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Wanting the Impossible - Sunday 28th October

David became Israel's greatest king. There was a time, however, when he realised he wasn't - that God was the ultimate king, not him. It was a moment that cost a man his life - a moment when David wanted God at the centre but discovered He was far too holy to have that. David discovered he wanted the impossible. But David also knew God was far too good not to have that. ...

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The Friendship of Jonathan - Sunday October 14th

In an age of the autonomous, unencumbered self, thin social media friendships, political tribalism, and ever present 'networking', how do we develop the deep friendships that we all need? The ancient and extraordinary friendship of David and Jonathan has much to teach us. Join us for our Morning Service at 10:30am, or our Evening Service at 6:30pm, at the Foyer Paroissia...

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The Jealousy of Saul - Sunday 7th October

David's slaying of the giant Goliath propelled him onto the national stage, and cemented his place in the affections of the nation. But it did more. It became the catalyst for something that would have a profound impact on the rest of David's life - the jealousy of King Saul. Jealousy can be an incredibly destructive emotion. So why do we get jealous? What are the alterna...

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David - the Hero: Sunday September 30th

The Bible contains a story that has become, perhaps, the metaphor for overcoming impossible odds in your life. It's the story of David slaying the giant Goliath. But maybe, rather than you thinking it's a story about how you can be a hero, you think it's a kids' story, a fable, with nothing to teach you. But what if it's neither a kids' story nor an encouragement to be a ...

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parable: noun - a simple story to illustrate a spiritual lesson

There are some stories that seep into a culture and shape it.The stories Jesus told have done just that. But more than shape a culture they can shape our lives. This Sunday we begin our new series: Summer Parables - the stories Jesus told. Join us on Sunday Morning at 10:30am or Sunday Evening, at 6:30pm ...

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Loving the world so much you want to change it - June 24th

If you love the world, why would you want to change it? If you love another person, why would you want to see them change? And how can you be an agent for such change - without giving up in the process? This week we finish our series in the apostle Paul's letter to the Colossians. Please join us at our Morning Service, 10:30am, or our Evening Service, 6:30pm....

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Of no earthly use? - Sunday June 3rd

'He's so heavenly minded he's of no earthly use'... so the saying goes. And yet the apostle Paul says that the answer to living a self-indulgent life is to 'set your mind on things above'. In other words, if you want to live a fruitful life, you need to live for something greater than yourself. But what is that 'something'? Join us this Sunday for our Morning Service at 1...

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No Services this Sunday.... Join us at the retreat instead!

This Sunday (May 27th) there will be no services in Lausanne... instead come and join us at 10am for our morning service in Leysin (Alpine Classic Hotel). You'll be glad you did!...

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Power. For what? Sunday May 20th

Power is never an end in itself. Not even for the power hungry. Even they want power because it promises them something else. So, when Jesus promises that those who follow him will be 'clothed with power', what was he meaning? What was that power he spoke of and what was it for? This Sunday we will be celebrating Pentecost - the time when we remember the coming of the Hol...

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Matters of Life and Death - Sunday May 13th

It would be hard to miss the fact that we live in the middle of a war of ideas. Not least, a war of ideas as to how you can really thrive as an individual. Strangely enough, this is nothing new. The apostle Paul found himself in the very same battle, and this Sunday we'll look at what he had to say about the shooting match. Join us for our Morning Service at 10:30am. Ple...

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Hope of Glory - Sunday 6th May

What is it that makes faith plausible or implausible today? And if someone was offering you something that could change your life, how would you know whether it was true or not? This Sunday we'll be looking at Paul's letter to the Colossians and how the good news of Jesus can bring genuine change for good in our lives, a hope that keeps us going in the hard times, and som...

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'Filled' - Sunday 15th April 2018

What does a 'full' life look like? What if your life could be filled with wisdom, fruitfulness, inner strength, perseverence, joy and thankfulness? That would be a full life. The question is, where do you find those things? And how do you see them growing and filling your life? This Sunday we will be looking at Colossians 1 and seeing how all of these qualities can be o...

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The Secure Identity and Genuine Hallmarks of Faith

Today, there are any number of techniques and ideas and philosophies on offer to help you live a better, more fulfilled life. But how do you know you have the best one? Or the right one? And where does the Christian faith sit in all of that? This Sunday we begin a new series in Paul's letter to the Colossians, and it answers just these kind of questions. Join us at 10:30...

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Easter Sunday - please join us!

This Sunday we will celebrate Jesus's resurrection from the dead. It is the event that sets Christianity apart. It tells us who Jesus is, and it tells us the kind of life we can live - free of fear, full of awe-filled joy. So please come and join us Sunday morning 10:30am And please note... there will be no evening service this week....

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Sin, Suffering and True Greatness? Sunday 18th February

What does it mean to be truly great? What does a life well-lived look like? How can we rise above our failures and the sufferings of life that drag us down? In our Morning Service we'll be looking at what Jesus has to say about greatness - that the way up is down; to be truly great you must humble yourself. In our Evening Service we'll be looking at what Peter has to say...

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Who has the power to change your life? Sunday February 11th

Who has the power to change your life for the better? Who has the power to help you face the tough times of life? Today, our culture will tell us that only you have the power, and the right, to change your life. That the strength you need for the hard times is inside you. But the Gospel says something different - it says the power we all need to change our lives doesn't co...

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Losing your life to find it: Sunday 4th February

Our culture says that we must be true to ourselves - and let the real us 'out'. Jesus says something very different - and it has profound implications for the way we live and relate to others. He also says it's the way to real life. In our Morning Service we'll be continuing in the Gospel of Matthew: Cross and Crown. In our Evening Service we'll be continuing in 1 Peter ...

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Living in a Different World - Sunday 29th January

The world can be a confusing place at the best of times. What does it mean to thrive, or to live a full life in such a world? This Sunday we'll be looking at two different passages from the Bible that help us understand how we can navigate life in ways that do us and others good, and bring glory to God, rather than the opposite. In the Morning Service (10:30am) we'll be ...

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The Jesus Who Offends - Sunday January 14th

We tend not to think of Jesus as being offensive. Yet, in his own day, he clearly was. People didn't like being called hypocrites, or being told that it was their hearts that were the problem. But do we like hearing that any more today than they did then? And if Jesus says the problem of the human condition is the human heart - what's the solution? We can't give ourselves ...

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Advent Services Sunday 17th December

How might you respond if, after a lifetime of waiting, you finally get what you've been waiting for? In our two services this Sunday we're going to be seeing four different responses to just such a happening. And despite the fact that they all respond to the same thing - the birth of the Messiah - they are very different. The question is, how do their responses mirror our...

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Advent 2017

This Sunday we will continue our celebration of Advent. Our Morning Service, 10:30am, will be our Family Carol Service: whatever age you are, come and share the joy of Christmas! Our Evening Service, 6:30pm, will consider the announcement of Jesus' birth to the shepherds: The True King has Come...

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Two Very Different Kings - but who needs one anyway? Sunday Nov 26th

Power corrupts... but why? And what power could work in our lives in a way that, rather than corrupt us, it transforms us? In our Morning Service we will continue looking at the Gospel of Matthew: 14:1-21: Two Kings and Two Feasts. In our Evening Service we will conclude our series in Judges: 19-21: Who Needs a King? ...

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Hidden Treasure and the Last Judgment

Jesus tells two parables about treasure hidden in a field and a pearl of great price, and then proceeds to talk of the final judgement. So what's the connection? In our Morning Service(10:30am) we will continue looking at Matthew's Gospel, chapter 13. In our Evening Service(6:30pm) we look at the Book of Judgeschapters 17-18: The King and Priest We Need. Both services w...

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The Problem of Evil and the Power of God

The problem of evil is something that can undermine the faith of many. And yet it's also a problem for those who don't believe. After all - why is evil a problem if there are no moral absolutes and no God? So, given that evil is a problem for believer and unbeliever alike, what does Jesus have to say about it? In our Morning Service(10:30am) we will continue looking at M...

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Change of Venues this Sunday: 5th November

This Sunday we will be meeting in different venues from normal: Morning Service, 10:30am: Eglise de la croix d'Ouchy,Avenue d'Ouchy 45, 1006 Lausanne. Evening Service: 6:30pm: Temple d'Ecublens, Place du Motty, 1024 Ecublens Whichever service you come to, you will be very welcome! ...

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Sceptics, Signs and Jesus - October 29th

If it's good to ask questions (and it is), and if it's good to seek evidence for belief (and it is), why does Jesus give the religous leaders of his day such a hard time when they asked him for proof? And what does his response have to teach us in our secular, sceptical age? In our Morning Service we will continue looking at the Gospel of Matthew, 12:38-50: Sceptics, Sign...

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Rest for your soul: Sunday October 8th

We have little problem with the idea of a God of Love, but a God who judges.... well, that's a different matter. In fact, some would say that love and judgment cannot go together. And yet, Jesus saw things differently. He went from pronouncing curses on cities to offering rest for the weary and heavy laden. How can you reconcile those two things? In our Morning Service we...

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Dealing with Doubts and a Judge Called Deborah - Oct 1st

At a crisis point in his life, John the Baptist doubted. At a crisis point in the life of Israel, Deborah didn't. Yet in both cases, God came through. What can we learn from these two people? In our Sunday Morning service we will continue looking at the Gospel of Matthew, 11:1-19 - Dealing With Your Doubts In our Sunday Evening service we will be looking at the Book of J...

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Christ: compelling, dividing, surprising - Sunday 24th September

Whether you are a Christian or not, the character of Jesus of Nazareth is compelling. But he is also divisive. That is no less true today than in his own day. So if you want to imitate his compassion and truth speaking in the world, how are you supposed to handle the negative responses you will get? In our Sunday Morning Service we will be looking at Matthew's Gospel, Mat...

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God's Rescue - Sunday 17th September

This Sunday we will begin two new series. In the Morning Service we will return to the Gospel of Matthew and see how Jesus' compassion for the world moves his followers out into the world: Proclamation, Pushback, Promise In the Evening Service we'll start looking at the book of Judges - and how, despite a people's repeated failures, God keeps coming back to rescue them: F...

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The Building God Does Care About: Go! - Sunday 10th September

Someone once said that the church is the only organisation that does not exist for its members. That's not quite true. As we have seen over the last few weeks, God's vision for his church - his people - is that we Gather, and that we Grow. But in some sense it is true. God's vision is also that we Go! This Sunday is our missions sunday and we will be considering what it ...

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Venue Changes- Sunday 3rd September

Please note, this Sunday (Sept 3rd) we are changing venues for both our Morning and Evening Services. Morning Service: 10.30am: Eglise Croix d'Ouchy, Lausanne Evening Service: 6:30pm: Temple d'Ecublens, Place du Motty, Ecublens You can find more details here....

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The Building God Does Care About

This Sunday (August 27th) we will begin a new three-part teaching series called, The Building God Does Care About. Ultimately, God cares much more about seeing lives transformed by the good news of Jesus than bricks and mortar. So we are going to spend three weeks looking at God's vision for his church, beginning this week with 'Gather'....

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Letters to City Churches - Sunday 2nd July

This Sunday we begin our Summer Series - Letters to City Churches - looking at the letters of Jesus to seven churches in the book of Revelation....

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God's Work, Our Response - Sunday June 25th

In a world where God seems absent, is God at work? And if he is, how does he work? In our Morning Service we will finish our series in Esther, looking at chapters 9-10: God's Work, Our response. In our Evening Service we will finish our series in Romans, looking at chapters 15-16. ...

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God of Turnarounds - Sunday June 18th

When a cause grips you, how do you stop wanting to talk down those who oppose it? And how do you find a cause to live for in the first place? In our Morning Service we'll be continuing our series in Esther, chapters 7-8: God of Turnarounds. In our Evening Service we'll be continuing our series in the book of Romans, chapter 14....

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Pride, Humility and the Grace of God - Sunday 11th June

How can you be bold in standing up for what's right, without doing so out of pride, or without becoming proud? This Sunday, in our Morning Service we'll be looking at Esther 5-6: Pride, Humility, and the Gospel of God. You can read sermon summary notes below. In our Evening Service we will be continuing our series in the Letter to the Romans, Chapter 13: Look Up Prid...

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Losing the Palace and Love That's Genuine - Sunday 4th June

In the book of Esther we see a young woman who uses her position and influence for those who have no power. But to do so she had to be willing to risk losing everything. Where can you get the courage, and love for others, to do the same? In our Morning Service we will be looking at Esther 4. In our Evening Service we will be looking at Romans 12:9-21....

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God in Unusual Places: Sunday 28th May

Please join us this Ascension Sunday! In the Morning Service we will continue our series in Esther, 2:19-3:15- and see how God is present in the ordinariness, the disappointments, and the hard places of life. In the Evening Service we will continue our series in Romans, 12:1-8, and consider True Worship....

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The King who Makes Beautiful - Sunday May 21st

In a culture that puts so much weight on how others view you, how can you be a person of integrity, who is not controlled by what others think of you? Where can you find a courage to confront injustice that doesn't make you proud, and an identity that makes you bold but gentle? This Sunday, in our Morning Service we will be looking at Esther 2: the King who Makes Beautifu...

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A Better King and a Better Story - Sunday May 14th

In an increasingly secular and pluralistic culture, God can seem very absent. How are you supposed to live with faith and courage when that's the case? The Book of Esther, which we begin this Sunday Morning, was written to answer just that question. You can read sermon summary notes below. In the Evening Service we will continue to look at the Letter to the Romans: Faith...

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Faithful to the End - Sunday April 30th

When life seems chaotic, or broken, what can see you through? How do you find courage and strength when that's the case? In the Morning Service we will look at Daniel 10-12: Faithful to the End.You can find sermon summary notes below. In the Evening Service we will look at Romans 9:1-29. ------------- Faithful to the End Daniel 10-12 The last three chapters of Daniel...

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Easter Sunday - April 16th

This Sunday please join us for our combined Easter Sunday Morning Service, at 10.30am. There will be no Evening Service....

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Where to turn when life is hard: Sunday 9th April

When life is hard, where do you turn? This week as we continue to look at the Book of Daniel in the Morning Service we see Daniel turning to God in prayer - he knows where his help comes from. In the Evening Service we will continue looking at Paul's Letter to the Romans - and in the second half of chapter 8 he tells us where we can find hope and purpose in the hard times...

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Difficult Days - Sunday April 2nd

How can you fight oppression without becoming an oppressor? Or fight injustice, without yourself becoming injust? How can you speak truth to power without being compromised by power? In Daniel chapter 8, Daniel foresees that the people of God will face significant oppression from those in power in the years to come. But how can you withstand that kind of pressure and rema...

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What the Future Holds - Sunday 26th March

Inside each of us is a desire that justice should be done: we don't want the wicked to get away with it, and we want wrongs to be righted. However, atheism and scientific materialism have no answer to the issue of justice. They cannot give you any reason why something is morally right or wrong, or any hope that wrongs will be righted. But can the dream of Daniel, a 6th ce...

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Flattery, Fear and Faithfulness - Sunday March 19th

When the law is used against faith, or when society becomes intolerant to absolute truth claims, where should we put our hope for change? In political leaders, or elsewhere? In our Sunday morning service we will be looking at Daniel 6: Fear, Flattery and Faithfulness, as the law is used against Daniel. In our Evening Service we will be looking at Romans 6 - and the freed...

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Venue Changes Sunday 12th March

This Sunday - March 12th - both our Morning and Evening Services will be taking place in a new venue: L'eglise de la Croix D'Ouchy, Avenue d'Ouchy 45, 1006 Lausanne You can find more details here....

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The Return to Reason - Sunday March 5th

Taking pride - or finding significance - in your 'performance' is dangerous. For you and for others. The question is, how can you get out of a mindset that derives your sense of self-worth from what achieve? More than that, how can you get out of a mind-set that needs to see yourself as the centre of your universe? In the Morning Service we will continue looking at the Bo...

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Venue Changes Sunday 5th March

This week we will not be in our usual venue. Instead, the morning service will be meeting at the Novotel Hotel, 35 Route de Condemine, Bussigny. The Evening Service will be meeting at the Temple d'Ecublens, Place du Motty, Ecublens....

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The One Enduring Power - Sunday 12th February

Our Western societies have shifted in what they worship. But how does that impact how power is exercised? And what can a king's dream 2500 years ago teach us about power and living under it? In our Morning Service we will continue our series in the book of Daniel, looking at The One Enduring Empire. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereor you can read them...

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The Courage to Speak Truth to Power: Sunday February 5th

In a society that is averse to absolute truth claims, how can you speak truth to power? In a culture that has adopted a rationalistic and materialistic mindset, how do you find the courage to speak of a God who exists outside of a 'closed' universe? In the Morning Service we will continue our series in Daniel and look at Daniel 2: Speaking Truth to Power. You can download...

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Seeking the Welfare of the City - Sunday January 29th

When you think it's right to oppose something you think is wrong, how can you do that in a way that wins people, rather than alienates them? Daniel is a good example of doing just that. In the Morning Service we will continue our series in Daniel, this week: Seeking the Welfare of the City. You can download notes in English here, or you can read them below. In the Eveni...

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Faith and Protest in a Strange World: Sunday January 22nd

When everyone is saying the same thing, where can you find the courage to speak out and say something different? And rather than be moulded by the surrounding culture, how can you be different? In the Morning Service we will continue our series in the Book of Daniel: Steadfast Faith in a Changing World. You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or you can rea...

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Cities, Idols and Power - Sunday January 15th

Cities are places of cultural power. They also tell us something of the idols we worship. That was true in Daniel's day as much as our own. As Christianity seems to be on the backfoot in the face of these idols, what can Daniel teach us about an enduring faith? In the Morning Service we will continue our series in the Book of Daniel and look at the Power of Cities, the Po...

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Steadfast Faith and the Gospel of God - Sunday 8th January

This week we begin two new teaching series. In the Morning Service we will begin looking at the books of Daniel and Esther - two people who learnt what it was to live with faith in a changing world. You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or you can read them below. In the Evening Service we will begin looking at the book of Romans - and how the Gospel is...

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Power and Weakness - Sunday December 11th

Many people see Christmas as a time to be kind and generous. But we struggle to live like this all year round: our self-centredness gets in the way. So what does the coming of Christ as Christmas have to say to our self-absoption? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: Power and Weakness Philippians 2:1-11 ...

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Advent 2016 - Power and Weakness

What is it about Christmas that makes it magical? What is it about the season that makes it feel like something magical has broken into our mundane? This Sunday we will be beginning our Advent series - Power and Weakness, as we look at how something out of this world really did break into our world. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here....

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Sunday November 20th - Jesus: the Great Physician

Please join us this Sunday at either our Morning or Evening Service. In the Morning Service we'll be continuing our series in Matthew's Gospel,looking at Jesus: the Great Physician.You can download sermon summary notes here. In the Evening Service we'll be continuing our series, Foundations for Life, looking at Good News to Share. You can download sermon summary notes fo...

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Christ's Power to Heal - Sunday 6th November

Many people had their lives turned around and transformed by Jesus. So, of all the stories the gospel writers could have picked, why did they highlight the ones they did? This Sunday morning we will look at Jesus healing three very different people: a leper, the servant of a Roman army officer, and a woman. But why does Matthew's gospel highlight them? In what way are we ...

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The Way to Life: Sunday October 30th

If you look at the world, you might think there are many ways to do life - especially religion, or the life of faith. However, as Jesus wraps up the Sermon on the Mount, he says something startling: that in fact there are only two ways, and only one that you really want to be on. This Sunday Morning we'll continue our series in Matthew's Gospel, and look at The Way to Lif...

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Sunday October 16th: Ambition, Anxiety and the Church

What is the link between our ambitions and our anxieties? And what has that to do with the Kingdom of God? In the Morning Service we will continue our series in the Gospel According to Matthew, and we will look at Ambition and the Abolition of Anxiety. You can download sermon summary notes in English here, or you can read them below. In the Evening Service we will conti...

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Money and the Cross - Sunday 9th October

Two things can have a powerful effect on your life: money and the Cross of Christ. But the effect they each have will be very different. This Sunday we will be considering both. In our Morning Service we will be continuing our series on The Gospel of Matthew and we will look at what Jesus has to say about the power of money in our lives. In the Evening Service we will be...

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Sunday October 2nd: Religion's (dubious) Reward and the Holy Spirit

In the Morning Service we will be continuing our series in the Gospel of Matthew, and look at what Jesus has to say about religious hypocrisy. After all, what is it about religion that it breeds hypocrites? You can download sermon summary notes in English here. In the Evening Service we will continue inour series on Foundations for Life, and look at the work of the Holy ...

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Sunday Sept 18th: Sex, Relationships, Words, and Jesus

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus touches on some of the most sensitive and intimate areas of our lives: our sexual desires, relationships and truthfulness. He calls us to live differently, but why, and where could we find the power to do so even if we wanted to? In the Morning Service we will continue our look at the Gospel of Matthew. You can download sermon summary no...

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Sunday 4th September: Anger, grace and God.

What's the way to a fulfilled and happy life? Obeying God's laws or throwing them off? Jesus' answer might surprise you. But then, when we talk about God, who are we talking about? In the Morning Service we'll be looking at Matthew's Gospel, and what Jesus has to say about God's law (and, interestingly, anger). You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in F...

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Salt, Light and Changed Hearts - Sunday 28th August

This Sunday is the first Sunday of our new teaching program. In the Morning Service we will continue looking at the Gospel of Matthew, and how Jesus says his followers will be salt and light.... and think what that says about the world. In the Evening Service we will begin a new series on Christian Foundations, and we will look at the Word of God. You can download sermon...

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"I am the Good Shepherd" - Sunday 31st July

To be called a sheep is not flattering. So why does Jesus do it? And if he's the shepherd, what is it about us that means we need guidance and protection? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: The Good Shepherd John 10:1-18 Your Sheepiness When Jesus uses this image of sheep and shepherd, he's drawing on...

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"I am the door" - Sunday July 24th

What would 'the good life' - an abundant life - look like to you? Jesus says it's to know you belong, and to have the deepest desires of your heart met. He also says he's the gateway to that life. How come? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: "I am the Door" John 10:1-10 We're looking at the "I am" state...

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I Am the Light of the World - Sunday July 10th

How would you complete the following sentance for yourself: 'I am....' What? How would you describe yourself? Whilst that matters, how much more does it matter how God describes himself? In his 'I am' statements in John's gospel, that is exactly what Jesus doesm and they are life changing in their implications. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand i...

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The Power, The Service, and The Cost of Love - Sunday June 26th

What you most love - what you most want - has the power to direct your life. That matters because Jesus says 'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.' But what is does that mean, and what kind of life will it result it? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: The Power, the Service and the...

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The Upside Down Kingdom - Sunday June 19th

What does a blessed life look like? What if God were to see it differently from you? This Sunday we begin looking at Jesus' famous 'Sermon on the Mount'. He begins by saying, 'Blessed are the poor...' You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: The Upside Down Kingdom Matthew 5:1-5 Today we start looking at the...

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Joint Service - The Grace of the Lord Jesus - June 12th

This Sunday we will have our once/year bilingual, joint service with the Swiss Reformed Parish Church, in St Sulpice. So it will be unlike our usual service! The theme is the 'Grace of God' and we'll be looking at how Jesus' grace has the power to transform our lives from score-keeping to grace-giving. It will take place in the Eglise Romane, on the lake front at St Sulp...

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The Call of the King - Sunday June 5th

In his Gospel, Matthew describes the people of Galilee as living in darkness. Why? And why would Jesus pick that area as the place to begin his ministry? And, if we live in the 'enlightened' West, does their darkness have anything to say to us? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: The Call of the King Mat...

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The Temptation of Christ - Sunday 29th May

Why would a father tell his son he loves him and then lead him into a battlefield? In Matthew's gospel we are told that is what God does with Jesus. Why would he do that? Because everyone before and after him has fallen in the battlefield of temptation, and we need a Son who doesn't. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can rea...

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The Mission of God - Sunday 22nd May

Have you ever found yourself repeatedly saying the same thing to someone? Why is that? The Bible repeatedly tells us there is only one God. Why does it do that? What are the implications of that if it true - for your life and for the world? This Sunday is our Missions Sunday. We'll be considering the ramifications of the Bible's claim that there is only one God. You can...

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A Voice in the Wilderness - Sunday 8th May 2016

In an age when image and style are everything, can a man in a hair shirt, calling us to repent, have anything relevant to say? The answer is 'yes.' This Sunday we will be looking at the ministry, message and master of John the Baptist, a voice that still speaks. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: A Voice...

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A New Rescue, A New Covenant, A New King - Sunday 1st May

In Matthew chapter 2, Matthew tells us about happenings in Jesus' life when he was still an infant. But what has that got to do with us? By tying those happenings to Old Testament prophecies, Matthew tells us it has everything to do with us - but what? You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or you can read them below: A New Rescue, A New Covenant, A New ...

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Come to Worship Him - Matthew 2: Sunday 17th April

We all worship something. And what we worship has a profound impact on our lives and those around us. So, what do you worship? Power? Religion? Yourself? Or something else? This Sunday we'll see how if you worship the one you were made for, joy and self-giving begin to flow. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them b...

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The Return of the King: Matthew 1 - Sunday 10th April

This Sunday we start a new series looking at the Gospel of Matthew. The word gospel means 'Good News' - but why is the birth of a baby boy, 2000 years ago, in dubious circumstances, good news? And why try and sell that good news by beginning with a long genealogy? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. The Return of the King Matthew 1:...

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On the Third Day - Easter Sunday, March 27th

This Sunday is Easter Sunday, when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ. But is the resurrection believable, and if it did happen, what difference does it make to life? You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or you can read them below: On the Third Day John 20:1-21 A Christmas Carol begins with: 'Marley was dead. To begin with.' Christianity...

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Generous Church - Sunday 20th March

All of us have started something, but not finished it. And that can also be true for giving. We know we should, but we never quite get there. The church at Corinth was just the same. So how did Paul motivate them to pursue generosity? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. or you can read them below: Generous Church 2 Corinthians 8:1-1...

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Giving All - Sunday March 6th 2016

Jesus saw a poor widow put in two tiny, almost worthless, coins into the offering box. Yet he said she had given more than a whole load of rich people. Why? What was it he was seeing? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: Giving All Luke 20:45-21:4 In Malachi 3 the Lord calls his people back to reflecting ...

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Generous God - Sunday 28th February 2016

What does it mean to be generous? The way you see God fundamentally affects how you view generosity. If God seems mean to you, it's going to affect how you view your stuff. But if you realise God is generous - it opens whole new areas of joy. This Sunday we start a new sermon series on the Generous Life, beginning with the Generous God. You can download sermon summary no...

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Sex and Shellfish: Leviticus 18 - Sunday 14th February

If Leviticus is known for anything, today it is known for what it says about homosexual relationships. But is it being inconsistent to appeal to Leviticus to ban same sex relationships, when the same book bans eating shellfish? You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or you can read them below: Sex and Shellfish Leviticus 18:1-6, 19-30 The Call to be Di...

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The Man in the Middle: Leviticus 8 Sunday 7th February

When it comes to approaching God, we can sometimes think we are doing him a favour giving him space in our lives. If we aren't quite that self-confident we can still think we can approach him anytime we want. On the other end of the spectrum, we can feel totally unworthy to approach God. Leviticus speaks to both. It tells us that far from being able to come whenever we wa...

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Sins: forgiven and forgotten - Sunday 31st January 2016

A philosopher said on his death bed, "Of course God will forgive me - that's his job." But is it? What if sin and forgiveness are costly, not easy? How then might we find forgiveness? This Sunday we'll be looking once more at Leviticus - and how God deals with the costliness of sin and forgiveness. And whilst his solution there is great, what it points to is even greater....

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"I am holy" - Sunday 17th January

How would you describe God? And how do you know that you're right? Does it matter what you think of God? This week, from Leviticus, we'll be seeing how God descrives himself. He says he is holy. But what does that mean? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: "I am Holy" Leviticus 9:1-5, 22-10:3 It has been...

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The God Who Dwells Among Us - Sunday 10th January

This Sunday we begin a new series in the book of Leviticus. What has a book that is full of animal sacrifices and some obscure rules got to say to us? Much - in many surprising ways. And this week we'll see how it tells us that God is a God who speaks to us and lives among us. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them b...

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The Sunday Before Christmas - 20th December

In his song following the birth of his son, John (who will become John the Baptist), Zechariah praises God for the birth of the baby. But which baby? You can download sermon summary notes in English here....

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Our Services on Dec 20th, 25th and 27th

You are very welcome to come and join us for our morning services on Dec 20th, Christmas Morning, and the 27th, all at the Foyer Paroissial, St Sulpice. Dec 20th - 10:30am Christmas Morning Family Service - 10:00am - Note the earlier start time! The service will be fun, for all ages, and over in 1hr, so you get home to lunch! Dec 27th - 10.30am...

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The King in the Manger: Sunday 29th November 2015

The Christian faith is built on historical events: the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. When we read the accounts of his birth, a number of kings are involved; men like Caesar Augustus. But despite all these kings, we aren't one of them, though we often think we should be at the centre of every story! However, the one who is the true King appears the most...

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God's Will for Your Life (& how to get there): Sunday Nov 22nd

What is God's will for your life? And even if you knew it, how could you achieve it? As Paul finished his letter to the Thessalonians, we discover the answer to both of these... and how to hear God speaking to us as we go alone. You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or you can read them below: God's Will, Word and Power for Your Life 1 Thessalonians 5...

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Venue Change: Sunday 15th November

Please note, this Sunday we will be meeting in a different venue from normal for both our services: Morning Service: Grande Salle du Motty, Place du Motty, Ecublens Evening Service: Temple d'Ecublens, Place du Motty, Ecublens Hope to see you there!...

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Awake and Sober: Sunday November 8th

Do you ever find yourself worrying about death, or about what happens after, or whether you are good enough to get into heaven? What if there were to be a day of reckoning, when God held us accountable for all we haev or have not done? How would you feel about that? The apostle Paul has a surprising answer to that. Such a day should hold no fear for you provided.... Prov...

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Hope in the Face of Death: Sunday 1st November

When you love someone deeply, how do you feel when you lose them? The grief can be terrible. But where can you find hope to carry you through that grief? This week's passage tells us, as we read that we do not need to grieve as those without hope. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: Hope in the Face of De...

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Love and its Counterfeits: Sunday 25th October

What does a life that pleases God look like? When the apostle Paul considers that, it's perhaps not surprising that love tops his list. But what does that look like, and how can you tell it's the genuine article? You can download summary notes of this Sunday's sermon in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: Love and its Counterfeits 1 Thessalonia...

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Love that Gives, Courage that Stands: Sunday October 4th

We live in a narcissistic age, and we can see the damage it does. But whilst we admire a love that sacrifices itself in others, we're not so keen when it challenges our 'I want to be at the centre' mentality. And if we do live like that, we're likely to face push-back. So where can you find the strength to live like this? You can download sermon summary notes in English ...

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Faith in a Hostile Environment: Sunday September 27th

What are the messages coming at you from your surrounding environment that shape you? What if the message that shapes you most becomes the good news of Jesus - what impact would it have, and especially if you faced opposition? You can download sermin summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: Faith in a Hostile Environment 1 Thessaloni...

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Evening Service Venue Sunday 27th September

Both our morning and evening services will be at the Foyer Paroissial in St Sulpice this Sunday, 27th September. So there will be no change of venue for the evening service....

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The Messenger and the Message - Sunday September 20th

If you can discredit the messenger, you can discredit the message. And that is certainly true when it comes to issues of religion. In the light of high-profile scandals, what is wrong with the human heart, and what does authentic Christian ministry look like? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: The Messeng...

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Student and 20-30s Bible Study Restarts This Week

This week we restart our Student and 20-30s Bible Study, but take note, just about everything is changing! The group will meet on Thursday Night at 7pm We will begin with a simple meal together. Food will be served between 7-7.45pm. After that we'll get into a Bible study. We are going to change the format of the group. We will divide into (at least) two groups: Univ...

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The Gospel for an Upside Down World - Sunday September 6th

The news is full of stuff that makes you realise how broken the world is. The Bible tells us God's answer to this is to create a new community. But what would such a community look like, and what kind of power could it have to really change things? This Sunday we begin our new sermon series in 1 Thessalonians: The Gospel for an Upside Down World. You can downlaod sermom ...

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VENUE CHANGES - Sunday 6th September

Venue Change! Please note that this Sunday (6th September) we will be in different venues from normal for both morning and evening services: Morning Service: 10.30am Maison Pullirane Rue de la Poste 1, Pully. You can find a map showing nearby parking spaces and public transport links here. Evening Service: 6.30pm Ecublens Temple, Place du Motty, Ecublens. ...

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God the Judge of All - Sunday August 30th 2015

This Sunday we complete our summer series on the character of God - by looking at the justice and wrath of God. Not many of us would say we like the idea of God as Judge - but why is that? You can download summary notes of the sermon in French here....

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When you don't feel God's presence

On Sunday we considered the truth of God's omnipresence - that God is present everywhere, at every moment. This is a wonderfully reassuring truth, as it tells us that whatever we go through in life, God is present in that moment. Given this, it is perhaps no surprise that there are those for whom the hard seasons in life draw them closer to God. His presence becomes more ...

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The Inescapable God - Sunday August 23rd 2015

The Bible tells us that God is everywhere. That means he's inescapable. But is that good news or bad news? This Sunday we'll be looking at God's omnipresence - at his inescapable goodness and his inescapable holiness, and the implications of both for us. You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or you can read them below: The Inescapable God God's chara...

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I AM: Truth - Sunday August 9th, 2015

Someone has said that our culture is 'allergic to truth'. Is that right? We certainly have a love/hate relationship with the truth. We know it's vital, but it can hurt and chafe. So what are the implications for us if the Bible tells us that God is the God of Truth? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: I AM...

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The Unchanging God: July 12th 2015

How do you view our ability to change? As positive or negative. But what if God were subject to change? How could you trust him. The Bible tells us God never changes, and that is great news for all sorts of reasons. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below. The Unchanging God We tend to see a refusal to change...

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Venues for Sunday 12th July

This Sunday, July 12th, both our Morning and Evening Services will take place at the Foyer Paroissial, Chemin des Paquis, St Sulpice. Morning Service: 10.30am Evening Service: 6.30pm...

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This Sunday our services will take place at the following venues: Morning Service, 10.30am: Foyer Paroissial, St Sulpice Evening Service, 6.30pm: Ecublens Parish Church, Place du Motty, Ecublens...

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Please note: Sunday Morning Service will be at Batiment Coeur d'Or, Chexbres, 10.30am (joint with All Saints, Vevey) Sunday Evening Service will be at Ecublens Parish Church, Place du Motty, Ecublens, 6.30pm ...

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Something to Boast About: Sunday 21st June

What do you boast about? And why? Often we boast because we want others to think well of us. So hiding underneath our boasting is insecurity. The problem is, the stuff we boast in was never meant to bear the load of our inner confidence and security. So where can we find that? This Sunday, as we begin a new sermon series for the summer, called 'Who I Am?', we'll see how...

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Problems, Passion and Jesus: Sunday June 14th

When you know you need a new start in life, or realise that things are not as they should be but you feel powerless to change them, where should you turn. As we finish the book of Nehemiah we'll see what this ageing man has to teach us. You can download a summary of the sermon in English here. Or you can read the notes below: Problems, Passion and Jesus Nehemiah 13:4-...

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Which Master Will You Serve? - Sunday May 31st

Someone has rightly said that we all worship something. The problem is that what you worship, you end up serving. So what master will you serve? This Sunday we'll be looking at Nehemiah 9-10, and what happens when you serve the wrong master, and how to get out of the mess that results. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can r...

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No Sunday Services - Sunday 10th May

Please note that there will be NO Sunday services in Lausanne this coming Sunday (10th May), because of our annual church retreat!...

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A Different Kind of City: Sunday 3rd May 2015

What could make a group of people into a distinctive, stand-out community? What has the power to create such a community. This Sunday we'll see how such a community was created. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: A Different Kind of City Nehemiah 6:15-8:18 As the walls are completed Nehemiah knows wher...

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God's Mission: Sunday 26th April

What is God's mission in the world? And how can I find my place in that? To answer both of those questions we have to first answer, what is wrong with the world? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you read them below: God's Mission What is God's mission in the world, and how can I be a part of that? Those are two great questions...

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How to Tempt a Leader: Sunday 19th April

Whether at home, work or elsewhere, many of us exercise some sort of leadership. And with that come certain specific temptations. So, how can you lead and not fall into these traps? This Sunday we'll see how two men set us great examples. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: Tempting a Leader Nehemiah 6 ...

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Building and Battling: Nehemiah 4. Sunday March 29th

Why is it that when you make a decision to do what's right things seem to start getting harder? And what can you do about it? Well, Nehemiah 4 gives us some great insight, both into why we face opposition, how it comes, and how we can respond to it. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: Building and Battling...

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Highly Effective Building: Nehemiah 2-3 - Sunday March 22nd

What personal characteristics are necessary for someone who wants to act on behalf of the vulnerable, the defenceless and for those who have lost their way? What might the character traits be of someone who cares about God's people and the honour of God's name? Nehemiah, who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, protecting her people, gives us a great example. You can download ...

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A City in Need: Sunday 15th March

How do you develop a heart for the city: for the poor and the needy and those whose lives are messed up by their own choices, without becoming proud or arrogant in the process? This week we start our new series in the remarkable book of Nehemiah - a man who went to a city in great need and transformed it. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French...

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The Disease Religion Can't Cure: Sunday 8th March

We often think (and hope) that if we do something good or right it will rub off on us. But this Sunday we'll see that the prophet Haggai says that you can't catch holiness like that. You can't make yourself acceptable to God by doing religious things. Worse still unholiness is contagious. Which leaves us in a hole... You can download sermon summary notes in English herean...

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Be Strong and Work: Haggai 2 - Sunday 1st March

You probably know what it is to begin something with enthusiasm, but then reality sets in. Where can you get the strength to keep going? And when everything around you seems to be failing, where can you find hope that better days are coming? This Sunday we'll be seeing from the book of the prophet Haggai where this kind of encouragement and hope comes from. You can downl...

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Building the Kingdom - Haggai 1: Sunday 22nd February

In the midst of a devastated city, why would a man call everyone else to build a temple to God, rather than concentrate on thier own homes, and what has that got to do with you and me? This Sunday we begin a new series looking at the Old Testament book of Haggai the prophet. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them bel...

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Calm in the Storm: Acts 27 - Sunday 1st February

Is it possible to be in the middle of God's will for your life, and still face a storm of life? The experience of the apostle Paul tells us it is. And we can learn from his example how to stay calm, lead and encourage others when the storm hits. You can download sermon summary notes in English here....

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Speaking to the King: Acts 26. Sunday January 25th

What is it about people with power and authority that can be intimidating? And what are you supposed to do when you need to speak uncomfortable truth to such people? The apostle Paul found himself in just such a situation, and there is much to learn from him. You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or you can read them below: Speaking to the King Acts 2...

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The Mission of the Gospel: Sunday 18th January

What would make a man, who previously persecuted the Christian faith, become its most famous advocate, and be prepared to suffer for it. This Sunday we'll be finding out, and discovering why it matters for us. You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or read the notes in full below: The Mission of the Gospel Acts 26:1-23 Two years after Paul had been o...

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Paul on Trial: Sunday 11th January, 2015

Perhaps strangely, trials and difficulties can be some of the defining moments of our lives. One reason is that they reveal the stuff we are really living for. As the apostle Paul goes on trial (Acts 24) we get an insight into what gives him the confidence he has, why he can respond to difficulties with poise and boldness. You can download sermon summary notes in English ...

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Our Services Around Christmas

Over the Christmas period our services will be slightly different! So please check timings below: Sunday 21st December: Morning Service only, 10.30am. We will be continuing our Advent Series, 'The Names Say it All' - this time we will see how the coming of Christ can be our source of joy as we look at the names given to Christ in Isaiah 9. You can download sermon summary...

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Sunday 14th December: Family Carol Service Only

On Sunday 14th we will be having our Family Carol Service. It starts at 6.30pm. Please come early to guarantee a seat. There will be no morning service!...

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Join Us For Advent!

This Sunday (7th December) we will have our traditional '9 Lessons and Carols' - the first of our special Advent services. Please come and join us - you'll be very welcome, whatever your age....

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Advent: The Names Say it All - Sunday, November 30th

When we choose a name for a baby, we go for a name we like. When God chooses a name, it always has significance. And Christmas begins with God doing some naming. That should make us sit up, and pay attention! You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or read them below: Advent: The Names Say It All John: The Lord is Gracious Luke 1 When...

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Leaders, Community, and the Gospel

Many of us long for a different kind of society... but often our worldviews will never get us there. In contrast the gospel results in a different kind of leader, and a radically different kind of community. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or read them in full below: Leaders, Community and the Gospel Acts 20:17-38 As we go thro...

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The Power Over Every Power

Someone has said that we all worship something: intellect, possessions, power, appearance. The problem is when these things become ultimate things in our lives they never deliver. Worse they can destroy us. How can we live free of this sort of thing? We'll be looking at Acts 19 where we see that the answer lies in the good news of what God has already done for us in Jesus...

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A God Greater and Nearer: Sunday October 26th

Athens was the academic centre of the world. Yet the gospel penetrated even there. What does the message Paul preached have to teach us in our intellectual age and environment? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them in full below: A God Greater and Nearer Acts 17:16-34 Acts tells us how the Gospel impacted people ...

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Joy and Courage at Midnight: Sunday October 12th

Two reasons that the early church grew, and the gospel spread, as they did, were the joy and courage of the disciples. But how do you explain - and get - that kind of joy and courage? Becuase we could all do with more of that in our lives. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French. Or you can read them below: Joy and Courage at Midnight Acts 16...

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Closed Doors and Open Hearts: Sunday October 5th

Ever experienced a time when you're trying to make progress, but everywhere you turn you're met with a closed door? What is God up to in times like that? This Sunday we will see how God was at work in head-scratching times in the life of the Apostle Paul. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: Closed Doors a...

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The Right Answer to a Crucial Question: September 28th

What is the answer to the question: 'how can you be saved?' But does it mean to be 'saved', and does it even matter? This Sunday we'll be looking at Acts 15 - where it's exactly this question that gets answered. And the way it gets answered brings real joy to people. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: Th...

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The Gospel in Collision: Sunday 21st September

When the apostles preached the gospel it both united and divided people. But why the division and the opposition? And what does that have to tell us in our own situation? This Sunday we'll be looking at Acts 14 which gives us some answers. You can download sermon summary notes in English here and in French here. Or you can read them below: The Gospel on Collision Course...

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Where Love and Justice Meet: Sunday September 7th

We like the idea of a God of compassion and power who uses His power to defend the powerless. We even like the idea of a God of justice who brings down the oppressor. But what if we find ourselves on the wrong side of such a God.... Can we worship Him then? Psalm 146 tells us how and why we can. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. ...

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Anxiety and the Confidence that Beats It: Sunday August 31st

Few of us would claim not to feel anxious at times. But what lies behind that anxiety? And what's the answer to it? Psalm 27 tells us both (and in surprising ways). You can download sermon summary notes in English here, or in French here. Or you can read them below: Anxiety and the Confidence that Beats It Psalm 27 As we grow up, we lose some of our childhood fears, b...

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Services in August: Where and When

10th August: Morning Service: Foyer Paroissial, St. Sulpice, 10:30am No Evening Service 17th August: Morning Service:Foyer Paroissial, St. Sulpice, 10:30am No Evening Service 24th August: Morning Service: Novotel Hotel, Bussigny, 10.30am Evening Service: Ecublens Parish Church, Ecublens, 6.30pm 31st August: Morning Service: Foyer Paroissial, St. Sulpice, 10.30am ...

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Four Ways to be Lost and Found: Sunday August 10th

This Sunday we'll be looking at Psalm 107 - which describes 4 ways we can get lost in life. Probably all of us can find ourselves somewhere there: the Wanderer, the Shadow Dweller, the Fool, the Overwhelmed. You can download sermon summary notes in English here, or read them below. Four Ways to be Lost and Found Psalm 107 Psalm 107 has one characteristic of God as its ...

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A Passing Foreigner? Sunday July 27th

How we talk when life is hard says a lot about what we really believe. So how do you respond? And how do you respond when the trouble you're facing is your own fault? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: A Passing Foreigner? Psalm 39 When we get away from the familiar psalms we find ones that can be unset...

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The Blessed Life: Sunday July 13th

'Happiness is the motive of every man, even those who hang themselves.' So wrote Blaise Pascal the french philosopher. But if we are all searching for happiness, what is true inner happiness and where can we find it? This Sunday we will take a look at Psalm 1, which tells where. You can download summary notes of the sermon in English hereor in French here. Or read them ...

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Services Sunday June 22nd

Morning: 10.30am: Join us for our joint service with the St Sulpice Parish Church, at the Eglise Romane, St Sulpice. Children under 12 can be dropped at the Foyer Paroissial at 10.15am for their usual Sunday School classes. Evening: 6.30pm: Join us for our usual evening service, at the Foyer Paroissial, St Sulpice....

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Gospel Centred Church

Something happened in a city called Antioch 2000 years ago, the effects of which still reverberate today. What was going on there to have such an impact? You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or you can read them below: The Gospel-Centred Church Acts 11:19-30 This church at Antioch played a crucial role in the history of the world-wide church. In fact...

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The Spirit and Gospel Spreading

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, when the church remembers the giving of the Holy Spirit. But what paved the way for the gospel coming to gentiles was not a talk on the Holy Spirit, but one about Jesus - his life, his death and his resurrection. Why is that? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: The Holy Spi...

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The Not-Yet Christian: Sunday 1st June

In this Sunday's passage we meet a very good man - devout, religious, generous, wise. And yet he wasn't yet a Christian. And if he's not a Christian - what is Christianity? You can download Sermon Summary Notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: The Not-Yet Christian Acts 10:1-34 The dreams and visions in this passage have had a profound im...

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The Vibrant Church: Sunday 25th May

How do you know whether a church is healthy or not? And what should such a church spend its time doing? In this Sunday's passage, Luke (who wrote the Book of Acts) gives us some clues. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or read them below: The Vibrant Church Acts 9:31-43 The stage is set in Acts for the gospel to go to the gentile...

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No Services Sunday 18th May

From 16-18th May we will be on our annual church retreat. There will be no services in St. Sulpice on Sunday ... but do come and join us at Prenovel in the French Jura, at 11.15am for our family service!...

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The Conversion of a Pharisee: Sunday May 11th

If you want to change the world, you have to change hearts. But how can you change the heart of a proud, self-righteous, religious man? And where can you find the courage to love and forgive such people? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: The Conversion of a Pharisee Acts 9:1-30 Acts tells how the gospe...

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The Weak and the Impossible: May 4th

Perhaps one of the most extraordinary things about Jesus' call for his disciples to spread the gospel to all peoples, is that it is the weak facing a seemingly impossible task. This coming Sunday, Ramez Attalah, General Director of the Bible Society Egypt, will be the guest speaker at both our morning and evening services. In the morning he will take the subject 'God cho...

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The Gospel Heads South: April 27th

Why would someone who had made major sacrifices to get to the top of the ladder, and who had got there, go looking for something else? You can download sermon summary notes for this Sunday's message in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: The Gospel Heads South Acts 8:26-40 We saw earlier in Acts 8 how God used persecution and 'mass evangelism' ...

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Easter Sunday 10.30am: Please Join Us!

When something has been going on for hundreds of years, it's valid to ask, 'why are we still doing this?' So, why are we still celebrating the death and resurrection of a man executed 2000 years ago? This Sunday we'll answer that question, and see the enduring legacy and relevance of the first Easter. Come and join us. You can download summary notes of the sermon in Engli...

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Don't Repeat the Mistakes of History: Sunday 6th April

What is it about the lives of others that we find inspiring? As Stephen, the first Christian martyr, stands trial for his faith, and urges the religious leaders not to repeat the mistakes of history, we discover why it is that Stephen's life has proved an inspiration to many. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them be...

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Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing: Sunday March 23rd

Why is it so easy to lose the plot in life and get distracted, not just by bad things but by good things? And what is the plot in the first place? If we're to keep the main thing the main thing, what is the main thing? You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or you can read them below. Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing Acts 6:1-7 In writing Acts, Luk...

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Courage for Life (and Death): Sunday 16th March

Where did the early Christians find the courage to keep sharing the gospel inspite of intense opposition and persecution? And where can we find the courage we need for what we face in life? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here, or you can read them below: Courage for Life (and Death) Acts 5:12-42 How did Christianity spread across th...

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Generosity, Reputation and the Gospel

The need to appear better than we really are, the need to bolster our reputation or enhance our image is endemic. But why? And what hope is there for those honest enough to admit it? This week we'll find encouragement in a surprising, even shoking, story. You can download the sermon summary notes in English here, or in French here. Or read them below: Generosity, Reputa...

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When Life Feels Threatened: Sunday March 2nd

There are times in our lives when life as we know it feels threatened. How are we supposed to handle such times? The early Christians provide us with a remakable example. You can download sermon summary notes in Englishhere, or read them in below: When Life Feels Threatetend Acts 4:23-31 The context of this passage is that the disciples have been threatened by the same...

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Loving, Learning, Living: Sunday 9th February

Whether through changes to society, or the building of hospitals and universities, the impact of Christianity has been huge. How did those changes begin?Acts tells the story of what happens when a community if gripped by the gospel. You can download sermon summary notesin Englishhere. Or you can read them below: Loving, Learning, Living Acts 2:37-47 How has Christiani...

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Spreading Fire: Sunday 26th January

Does the power to change our lives come from inside, or outside us? Pentecost tells us from outside - by God's Spirit, and what it looks like to be filled with that Spirit. You can download summary notes of the sermon in English here. Or you can read the notes below: Spreading Fire: The Mission Begins Acts 2:1-21 Luke describes 3 phenomena associated with the coming o...

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Foundations for Spirit Empowered Living and Mission

What are the characteristics of the people who have achieved something that you'd like to emulate? This Sunday we'll see what happened immediately before Pentecost - and see the characteristics of a community which, against all odds, turned the world upside down for good. You can download the sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them be...

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Turning the World Upside Down

How come the life of Jesus of Nazareth has had the impact it has? Well, this Sunday we start our series in the book of Acts: Turning the World Upside Down, and if you want to know the answer to the question, you've got to start at Acts. You can download sermon summary notes in English here, and French here, or read them below: Acts 1:1-11 If you want to know how and why...

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Christmas Morning Service

Please join us on Christmas Morning, at 10am, at the Foyer Paroissial, St Sulpice, for our family service as we celebrate the birth of Christ....

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Our Christmas Services

Please join us for any (or all!) of our services over the Advent and Christmas period. All services will take place at our usual venue: Foyer Paroissial, Chemin des Paquis, St Sulpice. December 15th, 6.30pm: Family Carol Service December 22nd, 6.30pm: Nine Lessons and Carols Christmas Morning, 10.00am: Christmas Morning Family Service It will be a pleasure to see you t...

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Advent Series: Zechariah's Song - Dec 8th

The build up to Christmas is filled with the expectancy of happiness. In the story of Advent in the Bible no one expresses that sense of expectant joy better than Zechariah, the father of John and the Baptist. And yet, despite years of infertility, his joy is not based on what you might think. You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or read them below: Zec...

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Cultivating Generosity: Sunday 17th November

In a world that seems to value getting over giving, how can we cultivate a generous life? In thanking the Philippians for their gift, Paul gives us some clues. You can download sermon summary notes in English here, or you can read them below. Cultivating Generosity Philippians 4:14-23 Before Paul signs off on this letter he wants to thank the Philippians for their gift...

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Contentment: Sermon Summary Notes, Nov 7th.

Given the advertising industry, national lotteries, the celebrity culture and talent shows, contentment is in short supply in our modern world. So how can we find it? You can download sermon summary notes in English here, or in French here, or read them below. Contentment Philippians 4:10-13 Sometimes we tend to think that faith flourishes when life is good, but strugg...

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Joy and Peace Under Pressure

When we feel under pressure, and life is out of control, our relationships can suffer, our inner sense of well-being can be lost, and we can become resentful about good things happening in others' lives. This Sunday we will hear St. Paul explain how we can find joy and peace under pressure. You can download sermon summary notes in English here, or read them below. Joy a...

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Pressing Forward. Sermon Summary Notes 27th Oct.

If religious pride, and spiritual carelessness are two pitfalls of the Christian life, how can we avoid them? The apostle Paul's answer is 'think like the mature, and live like a citizens of another city. You can download summary notes for this coming Sunday's sermon in English hereand in French here. Or you read them below: Pressing Forward Philippians 3:12-21 The P...

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A Tale of Two Workers: Sermon Summary Notes Oct 6th

If the good news is that God loves us because of what Jesus has done, and not because of anything we do, does that mean we can now sit around like a spiritual/moral couch-potato? You can download sermon notes in English hereand in French here. Or read them below: A Tale of Two Workers Philippians 2:12-18 In this passage Paul argues against two common errors in the Chr...

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The Humility of Christ: Sermon Summary Notes Sept 29th

We live in a time when self-promotion and demanding our rights is the norm. Which makes Paul's call to humble service and putting the interests of others first all the more counter-cultural. The question is, how can you get there? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: The Humility of Christ Philippians 2:1-...

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Citizens of Another Country: Sermon Notes Sept 22nd

If you've lived in the expat environment, you know what it is to live as a foreigner abroad. This Sunday we'll see how Paul says we are live this life as citizens of another country, standing firm, standing together and not being afraid. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: Citizens of Another Country Phil...

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The Unchained Gospel: Sermon Summary Notes, Sept 15th

If you were faced with difficult circumstances, difficult people and an uncertain future (including possible execution) how would you respond? This Sunday we'll see how the apostle Paul responds, and why. You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or you can read them below: The Unchained Gospel Philippians 1:12-26 The Philippians are worried about Paul h...

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God at Work: Sermon Summary Notes, Sept 8th

When people face circumstances that would crush others, and you see them responding with love, joy and generosity, you've got to sit up and take notice. As we start our new series in Philippians we see just that happening in the lives of Paul, and the people he's writing to. You can download summary notes for the sermon in English hereand in French here. Or read them b...

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The Transforming Gospel: Sermon Summary Notes, Sept 1st

When there are a thousand and more different things a church could emphasise, why do we have as our vision: 'Rooted in the Gospel - Radical Transformation'? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand French here. Or read them below: The Transforming Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 There are many different things we could emphasize as a church, but our visio...

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Pss 42 and 43: Hope for Dry and Drowning Souls

There are times in life when our souls are parched and circumstances are overwhelming. Ps 42 and 43 tell us that in such times there is hope for dry and drowning souls. You can download sermon summary notes in English here....

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The place where longings are met: Sermon Summary Notes - Sunday 4th August

What are the deep longings of the human heart? And where can you go to have them met? Well, Psalm 84 gives us the answer to both those questions. You can download sermon summary notes in English here....

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One Last Word: Sermon Summary Notes, Sunday July 21st.

Whilst the writter of Hebrews could say loads more, he finishes by praying for them. He knows that the real help they need comes from God. You can download sermon summary notes in English here....

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A Tale of Two Mountains: Sermon Summary Notes, June 30th

What's the difference between God's grace and us trying to pay our own way? The writer says it's the difference between a party and a howling storm. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here....

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Run the Race: Sermon Summary Notes June 16th

If the Christian life is more like an endurance event than a sprint (which it is), where can you get the resources to stay in the race? You can download sermon summary notes in Englishhereand in French here....

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By Faith (part 2): Sermon Summary Notes June 9th

How can we enjoy victories, endure dark days, and hang on in suffering, without giving up? The writer of Hebrews tells us its through living by faith. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here....

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By Faith: Sermon Summary Notes June 2nd

Is there a way to live life that brings pleasure to God and joy to us? There is, and the writer of Hebrews says it's the life of faith. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here....

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Don't Throw in the Towel: Sermon Notes, Sunday 19th May

Why do some people turn away from the Christian faith? Is there a way to build a robust faith that endures through life's hardships? You can download summary notes for this Sunday's sermon in English hereand in French here....

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Pursuing Perfection: Sermon Notes Sunday May 5th

Both religion and consumerism are trying to fill a void in people's hearts - we lack a sense of completeness, of knowing that things are ok with us. The writer of Hebrews tells us we will only ever find that in Jesus. You can download summary notes for the sermon in English hereand in French here....

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Christ our Mediator: Sermon Notes April 28th

Everyone knows that sin damages relationships, and that most people are afraid of dying. The letter of Hebrews explains why these are linked... and why Christ is the answer to both. You can download summary notes for the sermon in English here, and in French here....

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Out Of The Shadows: Sermon Notes Sunday 7th April

The writer to the Hebrews says something startling: despite all its attractions, religion is just a shadow of the reality. And it can never fix humanity's real problem - which is the heart. There has to be a better answer than religion. And there is. You can download sermon summary notes in English here, and in French here....

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Your Redeemer Lives: Sermon Notes 31st March

The Apostle Paul says that if Christ has not been raised from the dead, then Christians are of all people most to be pitied. Why? And what if Christ has been raised? You can download sermon summary notes for Easter Sunday, in English, here....

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Soul Anchor: Sermon Notes Sunday March 17th

What do you need when your faith is tested to the limit? An example to follow and rock solid inner security. Our passage this Sunday is Hebrews 6:13-20. You can download sermon notes in English hereand in French here....

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Venue Change Sunday 3rd March

Please note, for this Sunday only (March 3rd) our venues are changing: Morning Service: Novotel Hotel, Route de Condamine, Bussigny Evening Service: Ecublens Parish Church, Place du Motty, Ecublens Please come and join us there!...

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Warning Signs: Sermon Notes, March 3rd

When you see a warning sign, what's its purpose? This Sunday we will look at oneof the most controversial passages in the New Testament. It hasn't been written for us to debate and argue over. It's been written to keep us from danger. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here....

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The Place of Grace: Sermon Notes, February 17th

When life is hard, or when you want to see change in your life, where do you look for the resources you need? The self-help gurus would tell you to look inside. The writer to the Hebrews has a better suggestion. You can download summary notes for the sermon in English hereand in French here. ...

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The Rest You Need: Sermon Notes February 10th

Hebrews was written to people who were weary and felt like giving up. The writer's answer is to point them to God's offer of a deep inner rest - the rest we all need. You can download summary notes for the sermon in English hereand in French here....

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Sermon Notes Sunday 3rd February

Where do you get the energy to keep going when you feel like quitting? This Sunday we will be looking at Hebrews 3 which tackles just that issue. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here....

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Sermon Notes: Sunday 20th January

If you were on the verge of hitting the eject button on the Christian faith, what would you make of someone advising you to first consider that Christ was greater than angels? Well, that's exactly what the writer of the Letter to the Hebrews does. We'll see why this Sunday. You can download sermon summary notes here....

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The Quest for the Happy Ending

I read something recently that said that 'we live in the first era of history that considers happy endings to be works of inferior art.' Apparently, modern critics look down their noses at novels or movies that end 'happily ever after'. But what do critics know? I'm not so convinced it's what the rest of us think. In fact, I suspect the vast majority of the films you've ...

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Sunday 13th January

This Sunday we start our new Sermon Series on the Letter to The Hebrews. You can download a sermon summary sheet here....

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Sunday 30th December

Come and join us this Sunday (December 30th) at 10.30am, for our morning service. Please note: there is no evening service this Sunday (back next week!)...

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Christmas Morning 2012

Join us at 10am, at the Foyer Paroissial, St Sulpice, for our Christmas Morning Family Service. You will be very welcome!...

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This Sunday 23rd December

This Sunday, 23rd December, we will be having a candle-lit communion service - celebrating the truth that the Light of the World has come. Everyone is welcome, but please note, there will be no children's work provided. There will be no morning service. ...

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Christmas Carol Service 2012

Please join us this Sunday Evening at 6.30pm, at the Foyer Paroissial, St. Sulpice, for traditional carols, readings, drama and refreshements - the whole family is welcome!...

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Sermon Summary Notes Dec 9th

This Sunday we begin our mini Advent series. Just consider, what relevance has the birth of a boy 2000 years ago, in poverty, in Roman-occupied Judea possibly have for us? You can download sermon summary notes here....

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Venue Changes Sunday 9th Dec

Venue changes for this Sunday's Services:Our Morning Service will be at the Novotel Hotel, Route de Condemine, Bussigny.Our Evening Service will be at the Church Offices, Rue du Centre 72, St. Sulpice....

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Sermon Summary Notes: 2nd Dec

This Sunday we will be looking at the last chapter of Jonah. You can download summary notes in English here....

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Venue Sunday December 2nd

This Sunday (Dec 2nd) our Morning Service will be back in our usual venue: Foyer Paroissial, Chemin Des Paquis, St Sulpice. Because of the young adults retreat, there will be no evening service....

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Sermon Summary Notes November 25th

This Sunday we will be looking at Jonah 3.How will Jonah respond if he is called to go to Nineveh a second time, and how will he react if his worst dreams come true? You can download sermon summary notes in English here....

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Venue Change - Sunday 25th

Please note: this Sunday morning our morning service will be at the Novotel Hotel, Route de Condemine, Bussigny. Our evening service will be at the Ecublens Parish Church, Place du Motty, Ecublens. You can find maps here....

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At Least The Fish Obeyed

But what if it hadn't? Thanks to Dom Reinle!...

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Venue Change Sunday 18th Nov

Please Note Change of Venue: Sunday 18th November our morning service will be at the Novotel Hotel, Rue de Condamine, Bussigny. Our evening service will be at the Ecublens Parish Church, Place du Motty, Ecublens. You can find maps under Maps and Directions....

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Sermon Summary Notes - November 18th

This Sunday we'll look at Jonah 2. A question: why does the fish vomit Jonah out? Is he sick of him? You can download summary notes in English hereand in French here....

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Sermon Summary Notes - November 11th

This Sunday we will be looking at the consequences of Jonah's running from God and how God intervenes for Jonah and the sailors' good. You can download summary notesin Englishhere; and in French here....

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The Sluggard part 2

So, back to this character in Proverbs: The Sluggard. If we are at risk of sluggardly tendencies outside the work-place, in our walk with God, or our relationships, what can we learn to avoid them? 4. When it comes to work-life balance, the Sluggard is off-balance: He is famed for his sleeping habits. He is so laid back he's horizontal: 'How long will you lie there, O sl...

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Sermon Summary Notes November 4th

This Sunday we begin our new series in the book of Jonah: Pursued by Grace. If you find them helpful, you can download sermon summary notes here....

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Sluggards Read On - Part 1

I can't remember who it was, but someone once advised me to read a chapter from the Book of Proverbs every day. Every fool should. And now I've got my girls doing it. If nothing else (and there is) it makes for some great dinner-table banter. Of all Proverbs' characters, we love The Sluggard the best. His name is almost onomatopoeic. You can virtually see the trail of slim...

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It Can Never Satisfy

At one time or another probably all of us have felt the desire for 'just a little bit more.' The writer of Ecclesiastes has this to say about that desire: 'He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity' (Ecclesiastes 5:10). In other words, money and wealth and stuff simply fail to deliver. We think it wil...

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Handing on the Baton

From talking with folk after the two services this Sunday, (and the launch of Junior Youth Fridays), I know I was not alone in feeling incredibly encouraged by what the Lord is doing among our young people. What joy to see them grow in their love for Jesus and in their gifts to serve Him and His church! But to see the next generation grasp the baton, and run hard and well...

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Sermon Summary Notes: October 7th

This Sunday we will be looking at Jesus' bodily resurrection from the dead. The Christian faith stands or falls on the fact of the resurrection. You can download summary notes in English to help you follow the sermon here; and in French here....

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Sermon Summary Notes 30th Sept

This Sunday we will be looking at Jesus' crucifixion and death. Why has his death - out of the 1000s of men executed by crucifixion, become the pivot point of history? You can download summary notes for the sermon in englishhere, and in french here. Full sermon notes, audio and video will be posted after Sunday....

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Knocking on the Brothel Door

In his book, The Meaning of Marriage, Tim Keller quips that of Paul's famous discourse on marriage in Ephesians 5, the one part that many couples can relate to is Eph 5:32 marriage is a mystery! He writes, 'sometimes you fall into bed, after a long, hard day of trying to understand each other, and you can only sigh: "This is all a profound mystery!" an unsolvable puzzle, ...

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Strengthening the Foundations in Iran

It was both encouraging and humbling to hear from Dr. Mehrdad Fatehi this Sunday just a taster of what the Lord is doing in Iran. For those of you who want to discover more, and in particular how to support the work, I recommend you take a look at the Pars Theological Centre website....

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Sermon Summary Notes

This Sunday we will be looking at Jesus' trial. What we will discover is that ultimately it is not Jesus who is on trial - it's us: who do we think He is? You can download a sermon summary here....

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Taking the Axe to Self-Pity

Why do we dislike self-pity in others, but defend it to ourselves? And how can we sever its root in our hearts?...

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Sermon Summary Notes (English and French)

This Sunday's Sermon Summary Notes...

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Why bother with baptism?

Why should a Christian be baptised? For a number of wonderful, Christ-exalting reasons!...

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The Low After The High: is it well with my soul?

Just in case it had passed you by, the Olympics and the Paralympics are over. And commentators in the UK media (who love to look on the dark side it's a national trait) are wondering how long it will be until the fuzzy haze of the feel-good factor evaporates under the harsh sun of economic austerity. But it's not just the spectators who face the prospect of post-Olympic ...

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Grown Men, Sand Pits, and Eternity

Men jumping in sand pits, VP candidates forgetting their PB and lords of the realm breading spotted mice have much to teach us about eternity. ...

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Making Sense of Morality

"The question is not whether an atheist can be moral, but whether he can make sense of morality in a universe without God." Gregory Koukl, Tactics, 138-9....

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