Truly Wise Men

Summary notes for this Sunday's sermon are avilable to download here or you can read them below:

Truly Wise Men Summary

Most of the things we think we know about the wise men comes from tradition. The Bible doesn’t even tell us much about them! Except that they were wise. 4 things we can learn from the wise men:

Wise men seek the Truth

They were Truth-seekers. And wise people see the truth. God rewards active truth seekers (Deuteronomy 4:29). But it’s not a casual seeking that God rewards. It’s an intense, all consuming, pursuing of the truth that God rewards. How determined are you to know the Living God?

Wise men read and believe God's Word.

The prophet Daniel, and Numbers 24 specifically mentions a “star coming out of Jacob.” So these wise men were searching for truth in the right place – in the Word of God. So these men were basing everything on the Word of God. They really expected God to fulfill his word. Anyone can read the bible. But, it’s not just about reading it. It’s about believing it. It’s about submitting to it. It’s about trusting every word of it. Do you believe God’s word?

Recognize the worth of Christ

Look at verse 10 in our passage: ‘When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy’. In other words they were thrilled! These men knew what they had found! They knew that Jesus was unique, completely exceptional.
Jesus is God incarnate. He is the visible image of the invisible God (Heb 1:3-4). The word worship literally means to stoop and kiss. The wise men teach us that true wisdom is to bow low before Jesus Christ. They saw more than just a small poor child. They saw deity.

Wise men humble themselves before Jesus.

Herod couldn’t humble himself before Jesus. He was too concerned for his own reputation and his own status. He wanted people to worship him. He didn’t want Jesus interfering with his life. We can be like that too. But as long as you resist him, you won’t experience true joy. Until you bow to Jesus as Lord, until you humble yourself at his feet, you wont be living the life that God intended you to live. Don’t be like Herod, resisting Jesus, be like the wise men and humble yourself before King Jesus. Let him take control.