Sermons from September 2013
Back to Sermon ArchiveSeptember 29, 2013
The Humility of Christ
Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Philippians Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 2:1–2:11
September 22, 2013
Citizens of Another Country
Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Philippians Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 1:27–1:30
September 15, 2013
The Unchained Gospel
Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Philippians Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 1:12–1:26
September 8, 2013
God at Work
Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Philippians Topic: Sermon Passage: Philippians 1:1–:11
September 1, 2013
Integrate 4: The Corner Office; Integration or Disintegration?
September 1, 2013
The Transforming Gospel (Vision Sunday)
Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Topical Topic: Sermon