Sermons from August 2020
Back to Sermon ArchiveAugust 30, 2020
Let the Dead bury their own Dead
Speaker: Martin Slack Series: The Hard Sayings of Jesus Topic: Sermon Passage: Luke 9:57–62
August 23, 2020
The Good Man, the Bad Man and the Verdict
Speaker: Martin Slack Series: The Hard Sayings of Jesus Topic: Sermon Passage: Luke 18:9–14
August 16, 2020
Feeding the Dogs
Speaker: Mike Evans Series: The Hard Sayings of Jesus Topic: Sermon Passage: Matthew 15:21–28
August 9, 2020
You Cannot Serve Two Masters
Speaker: Rhys Owens Series: The Hard Sayings of Jesus Topic: Sermon Passage: Luke 16:1–15
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August 2, 2020
Jesus Divides
Speaker: Martin Slack Series: The Hard Sayings of Jesus Topic: Sermon Passage: Luke 12:49–53