In the days when the judges ruled...

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In the days when the judges ruled...

November 26, 2017

Why We Need The King

Series: In the days when the judges ruled... Topic: Sermon Passage: Judges 19:1– 21:25

November 19, 2017

The King and Priest We Need

Speaker: Martin Slack Series: In the days when the judges ruled... Topic: Sermon Passage: Judges 17– 18:31

November 12, 2017

Samson the Judge: Strength & weakness

Series: In the days when the judges ruled... Topic: Sermon Passage: Judges 13:1– 16:31

October 8, 2017

Gideon the Judge: A famous victory

Series: In the days when the judges ruled... Topic: Sermon Passage: Judges 7:1–25

October 1, 2017

Deborah the Judge

Speaker: Martin Slack Series: In the days when the judges ruled... Topic: Sermon Passage: Judges 5:1–31

September 25, 2017

Ehud the Judge

Series: In the days when the judges ruled... Topic: Sermon Passage: Judges 3:7–31