Men's Breakfast - Finding Yourself in your Story
April 6, 2019 Speaker: Alan Wilson Series: Guest Speakers
Topic: Men's Breakfast
In this talk, Alan Wilson spoke from the story of Moses, with an overview of some of the elements of his leadership journey. In the famous words of DL Moody, Moses spent forty years thinking he was somebody, 40 years learning he was nobody, and 40 years discovering what God can do with a nobody.
As you listen, take time to reflect on some of the things that have become part of your own leadership journey.
Here are a few things to think about:
- What have been some of the key stages of your journey?
- Who have been the major influencers?
- What defining moments have shaped you?
- How would you describe your sense of calling, or vocation?
You can hear a recording of the talk here.
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