God's Rescue Mission

December 8, 2024 Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Advent 2024

Topic: Sermon Passage: Matthew 1:18–25

God's Rescue Mission

In one of our Bible readings we heard Matthew 1:18: ‘Now the birth of ….. ….. took place in this
Kids’ Talk: Christmas Family Service

Whose birth do we celebrate at Christmas??

And we are having lots of babies in Westlake at the moment. They are popping out.

And normally babies happen when a mum and a dad get married and come together.

But with Jesus things were different: Matthew says ‘before they [Mary and Joseph] came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit.’

So… who was Jesus’ true father? Was it Joseph or was it God?

It was God.

But can anyone tell me, what did Joseph think of that? What was he going to do?

‘He resolved to divorce her quietly.’ (Matt 1:19)

He wanted to end his relationship with Mary.

But God didn’t want that to happen. He still wanted Joseph to protect and provide and care for Mary and Jesus. And someone would need to teach Jesus to be a carpenter.

So what did God do?

When Joseph went to sleep, an angel - a messenger from God came to him, and told him:
Do not be afraid to marry Mary
Because the baby Mary’s carrying is from God.

But then he said, ‘You shall call his name….’ What?


And our names can mean something can’t they?
Does anyone know what the name Jeremy means?
God will lift up

Or Hannah?
Favour or grace

Or, what about Martin?
From a different planet, from mars, and the god of war.

Ok, but what does the name Jesus mean… why call Jesus Jesus?

It means God saves.
‘Call him Jesus,' the angel said, for ‘he will save his people from their sin.’

So who does the angel say Jesus will save?

His people, the people who trust Jesus.

Now imagine you are on a boat, out at sea and it’s about to sink. Who do you need to come save you?

The lifeboat or the coastguard.

Or imagine you are lost in the mountains. Who do you need to come save you?
The mountain rescue team - hopefully with a cuddly, slobbery st Bernard.

And so Christmas is about God, launching his rescue mission for us. To save us from all the wrong things we’ve done and all the right things we haven’t done.

And he didn’t send a lifeboat. And he didn’t send a mountain rescue team. And he didn’t even send a St Bernard.

He sent Jesus. And God himself - Immanuel - God with us - came to rescue us.

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