Class - previous modules

Module 1 (May 8th-29th):

Why you Can Trust the Bible

Week 1: The Old Testament Canon

Handout Session 1

Week 2: The New Testament Canon

Handout Session 2

Week 3: Attributes of Scripture - part 1

Handout Session 3

Week 4: Attributes of Scripture - part 2

Handout Session 4


Module 2 (Aug 21st - Sept 4th)

Doubt and Assurance

Week 1: Doubt part 1

Handout Session 1

Week 2: Doubt part 2

Week 3: Assurance


Module 3 (Sept 11th - Oct 9th)

Tools for Understanding God's Word

Week 1: Dig Deeper

Handout Session 1

Week 2: Four Tools

Handout Session 2

Week 3: Four Further Tools

Handout Session 3

Week 4: Three More Tools (no recording available)

Handout Session 4

Week 5: Final Session

Handout Session 5

Church History Special (Oct 16th)

The Reformation


The Apostles' Creed (Oct 23rd-March 5th)

Week 1: Introduction

Week 2: I believe in God the Father, the Almighty

Week 3: Creator of Heaven and Earth

Week 4: And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord

Week 5: Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary

Week 6: Crucified under Pontius Pilate, died and was buried

Week 7: He descended into Hell

Week 8: On the third day he rose again from the dead

Week 9:He ascended into heaven, and is sat at the right hand of God, the Father almighty

Week 10: He will come again to judge the living and the dead

Week 11: I believe in the Holy Spirit

Week 12: The holy catholic church

Week 13: The communion of saints

Week 14: The forgiveness of sins

Week 15: The Ressurection of the Body and the Life Everlasting.

The Sabbath - a biblical theology (March 12th-May 7th)

Week 1 - The Sabbath in Creation

Week 2 - The Sabbath in the Law (please note, the recording runs out half way through. However, you can download the speaker's notes here.)

Week 3 - The Sabbath in the Prophets

Week 4 - Sabbath and the Feasts

Week 5 - Sabbath in the Prophets part 2

Week 6 - Sabbath in the Now and the Not Yet

Spiritual Disciplines (May 14th - July 3rd)

Week 1: The Word of God - reading and meditation

Week 2: Serving and Stewardship

Week 3: Learning and Perseverence

Week 4: Worship and Prayer

Week 5: Silence, Solitude and Journaling

Week 6: Fasting (sadly, only the first 20mins of the class were recorded)

Apologetics: (August - Dec 2023)

Week 1: What about the apocryphal gospels? 

Week 2: Why is there so much evil in the world?

Week 3: How could a God of love send people to hell? You can download the handout here

Week 4: Miracles: how can you believe in something that breaks the rules of nature?

Week 5: Does Christianity Denigrate Women? (part 1) You can download the handout here.

Week 6: Why be a Christian when other religions also claim to be true?

Week 7: Does Christianity Denigrate Women? (part 2) You can download the handout here.

Week 8: Suffering - why do bad things happen if there is a good God?

Week 9: Why is there evil in the world - and so much of it?

Week 10: Apologetics: the Christmas Edition

The Lord's Prayer (January - March 2024)

Week 1: The Lord's Prayer

Week 2: Our Father in Heaven

Week 3: Hallowed be your Name

Week 4: Your kingdom come, Your will be done (no recording available)

Week 5: Give us today our daily bread

Week 6: Forgive us our debts

Week 7: Lead us not into temptation (no recording available)

Week 8: Deliver us from evil