Westlake Lausanne is led by a plurality of elders. Their primary purpose is the teaching, pastoring, guarding, leading, and caring of God's flock.
John Pollard | Elder
John is married to Hannah and they have two sons. John is English and Swiss (which is kind of useful). He is a civil engineer and works for Medair. There was a time when he worked for the City of Lausanne and we knew who to blame for the roadworks. We need another Scapegoat.
Andrew Parris | Elder
Andrew is married to Regular and they have two sons. He is American with a Swiss mum. You don't have to be a former rocket scientist to be an elder, but Andrew is.
Olivier Waridel | Elder
Olivier is married to Renata and they have three children. He is Swiss with a hefty dose of Brazil, which might explain his incredible jazz skills.
Tom Rizzo | Elder
Tom is married to Karen and they have a grown-up son and daughter and four grandchildren. Tom is American and Swiss, a retired professor of Chemistry, and Dean of Basic Science, at the EPFL, who is spending his retirement helping lead a start-up. A man of his age should really stop playing basketball.
Martin Slack | Pastor & Elder
Martin is married to Su and they have four daughters and three sons-in-law. He is British and has been the pastor of Westlake Lausanne since April 2008. Before this he was a medical doctor specialising in neonatal intensive care. So unless you weigh less than 500g you are better off asking Su for medical advice.
Geert Hendriks | Elder
Geert is married to Marielle and they have three daughters. His favourite colour is orange, and no one can pronounce his first name properly. Which means he must be Dutch. He is a consultant in sport and development.
Jonathan Hadley | Elder
Jonathan is married to Klasien and they have 4 children. He works with aluminium and, being British, can pronounce it properly. Which is a good thing.
Christoph Jung | Elder
Christoph is married to Carla and they have two sons. Christoph is German, Carla is American. What a combination. Not only that, they both work for international football organisations. Could The Beautiful Game be in more, ahem, competent hands?
Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. - Acts 20:28