Sermons from Nehemiah

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August 18, 2024

Prayer in the Life of Nehemiah

Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Prayer Topic: Sermon Passage: Nehemiah 1:1– 2:5

June 14, 2015

Problems, Passion and Jesus

Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Nehemiah: Building the City Topic: Sermon Passage: Nehemiah 13

June 7, 2015

Set Apart for Worship - A City and a People.

Series: Nehemiah: Building the City Topic: Sermon Passage: Nehemiah 12:27–12:47

May 31, 2015

Which Master Will You Serve?

Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Nehemiah: Building the City Topic: Sermon Passage: Nehemiah 9:32–10:39

May 17, 2015

He is Faithful Even When We're Unfaithful

Series: Nehemiah: Building the City Topic: Sermon Passage: Nehemiah 9:1–9:30

May 3, 2015

A Different Kind of City

Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Nehemiah: Building the City Topic: Sermon Passage: Nehemiah 6:15–8:18

April 19, 2015

Tempting Leaders

Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Nehemiah: Building the City Topic: Sermon Passage: Nehemiah 6:1–6:16

April 12, 2015

Fruitful Servant Leadership

Series: Nehemiah: Building the City Topic: Sermon Passage: Nehemiah 5

March 29, 2015

Building & Battling

Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Nehemiah: Building the City Topic: Sermon Passage: Nehemiah 4–4

March 22, 2015

Highly Effective Building

Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Nehemiah: Building the City Topic: Sermon Passage: Nehemiah 2–3

March 15, 2015

A City In Need

Speaker: Martin Slack Series: Nehemiah: Building the City Topic: Sermon Passage: Nehemiah 1:1–1:11