Archives for December 2022

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Tears in the Desert

In Psalm 126, the psalmist asks of God, 'Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like streams in the Negeb!' It is a powerful image: rivers of water running into the desert, turning a wilderness into a garden. And returning from exile, the psalmist is asking God to do just that in his life and the life of the people. But then he takes the metaphor further, to sowing and reaping an...

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Advent - Second Time Around

Advent is a time when the church looks back to the first coming of Christ, and prepares herself for the feast - the celebration - of Christ's birth at Christmas. But it's also a time to look forward to the second coming, the second advent of Christ, and his return. Those two comings are polar opposites: the first in humility, the second in glory. The first unnoticed, the ...

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