Post Category: sermon summary notes

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Advent Series: Zechariah's Song - Dec 8th

The build up to Christmas is filled with the expectancy of happiness. In the story of Advent in the Bible no one expresses that sense of expectant joy better than Zechariah, the father of John and the Baptist. And yet, despite years of infertility, his joy is not based on what you might think. You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or read them below: Zec...

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Cultivating Generosity: Sunday 17th November

In a world that seems to value getting over giving, how can we cultivate a generous life? In thanking the Philippians for their gift, Paul gives us some clues. You can download sermon summary notes in English here, or you can read them below. Cultivating Generosity Philippians 4:14-23 Before Paul signs off on this letter he wants to thank the Philippians for their gift...

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Contentment: Sermon Summary Notes, Nov 7th.

Given the advertising industry, national lotteries, the celebrity culture and talent shows, contentment is in short supply in our modern world. So how can we find it? You can download sermon summary notes in English here, or in French here, or read them below. Contentment Philippians 4:10-13 Sometimes we tend to think that faith flourishes when life is good, but strugg...

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Joy and Peace Under Pressure

When we feel under pressure, and life is out of control, our relationships can suffer, our inner sense of well-being can be lost, and we can become resentful about good things happening in others' lives. This Sunday we will hear St. Paul explain how we can find joy and peace under pressure. You can download sermon summary notes in English here, or read them below. Joy a...

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Pressing Forward. Sermon Summary Notes 27th Oct.

If religious pride, and spiritual carelessness are two pitfalls of the Christian life, how can we avoid them? The apostle Paul's answer is 'think like the mature, and live like a citizens of another city. You can download summary notes for this coming Sunday's sermon in English hereand in French here. Or you read them below: Pressing Forward Philippians 3:12-21 The P...

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The Joy of Knowing Christ

You can find today's sermon's summary notes here in English. The Joy of Knowing Christ ...

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A Tale of Two Workers: Sermon Summary Notes Oct 6th

If the good news is that God loves us because of what Jesus has done, and not because of anything we do, does that mean we can now sit around like a spiritual/moral couch-potato? You can download sermon notes in English hereand in French here. Or read them below: A Tale of Two Workers Philippians 2:12-18 In this passage Paul argues against two common errors in the Chr...

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The Humility of Christ: Sermon Summary Notes Sept 29th

We live in a time when self-promotion and demanding our rights is the norm. Which makes Paul's call to humble service and putting the interests of others first all the more counter-cultural. The question is, how can you get there? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: The Humility of Christ Philippians 2:1-...

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Citizens of Another Country: Sermon Notes Sept 22nd

If you've lived in the expat environment, you know what it is to live as a foreigner abroad. This Sunday we'll see how Paul says we are live this life as citizens of another country, standing firm, standing together and not being afraid. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here. Or you can read them below: Citizens of Another Country Phil...

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The Unchained Gospel: Sermon Summary Notes, Sept 15th

If you were faced with difficult circumstances, difficult people and an uncertain future (including possible execution) how would you respond? This Sunday we'll see how the apostle Paul responds, and why. You can download sermon summary notes in English here. Or you can read them below: The Unchained Gospel Philippians 1:12-26 The Philippians are worried about Paul h...

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