Post Category: sermon summary notes

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God at Work: Sermon Summary Notes, Sept 8th

When people face circumstances that would crush others, and you see them responding with love, joy and generosity, you've got to sit up and take notice. As we start our new series in Philippians we see just that happening in the lives of Paul, and the people he's writing to. You can download summary notes for the sermon in English hereand in French here. Or read them b...

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The Transforming Gospel: Sermon Summary Notes, Sept 1st

When there are a thousand and more different things a church could emphasise, why do we have as our vision: 'Rooted in the Gospel - Radical Transformation'? You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand French here. Or read them below: The Transforming Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 There are many different things we could emphasize as a church, but our visio...

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Pss 42 and 43: Hope for Dry and Drowning Souls

There are times in life when our souls are parched and circumstances are overwhelming. Ps 42 and 43 tell us that in such times there is hope for dry and drowning souls. You can download sermon summary notes in English here....

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Psalm 103 Duane Miller healing link

After hearing a short clip of the Duane Miller healing testimony in yesterday's sermon there were many requests for a link to hear the whole thing. So, due to popular request; Click here to listen to the whole testimony....

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The place where longings are met: Sermon Summary Notes - Sunday 4th August

What are the deep longings of the human heart? And where can you go to have them met? Well, Psalm 84 gives us the answer to both those questions. You can download sermon summary notes in English here....

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One Last Word: Sermon Summary Notes, Sunday July 21st.

Whilst the writter of Hebrews could say loads more, he finishes by praying for them. He knows that the real help they need comes from God. You can download sermon summary notes in English here....

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A Tale of Two Mountains: Sermon Summary Notes, June 30th

What's the difference between God's grace and us trying to pay our own way? The writer says it's the difference between a party and a howling storm. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here....

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Run the Race: Sermon Summary Notes June 16th

If the Christian life is more like an endurance event than a sprint (which it is), where can you get the resources to stay in the race? You can download sermon summary notes in Englishhereand in French here....

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By Faith (part 2): Sermon Summary Notes June 9th

How can we enjoy victories, endure dark days, and hang on in suffering, without giving up? The writer of Hebrews tells us its through living by faith. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here....

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By Faith: Sermon Summary Notes June 2nd

Is there a way to live life that brings pleasure to God and joy to us? There is, and the writer of Hebrews says it's the life of faith. You can download sermon summary notes in English hereand in French here....

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